nRF Connect SDK VScode mcuboot settings


for my custom device with nRF52840 and nRF Connect SDk v.2.8.0with VScode I want to add bootloader so that I can pass firmware to it through USB cable. I want a simple solution so that I can proceed with my code development...

So far with segger studio I performed the following steps
1.I used to open the nordicSemi\nRF5_SDK_15.3.0_59ac345\examples\dfu\open_bootloader with Segger studio and the build and run the code in the device I wanted to add the bootloader

2. From then on, I put my custom device to the USB cable and I opened nRF connect for Desktop then I opened the programmer tab and passed the application firmware for my board.

Now From the devAcademy intermediate course , lesson 8,

1. it is unclear where I can find the .hex of the bootloader to write it  in my device for the first time so that I can pass code through USB.

The lesson indicates that the mcuboot is added together with application firmware(??). So the first time I pass this (firmware+bootloader) package to my device I will do it with J-Link and every other time I will be able to do it with nRF Connect for desktop through USB cable? But even then the mcuboot will be transfered along with the application firmware again every time I want to send a new application firmware?? It does not make sense. I know that the bootloader is passed only once in the beginning through j-link and then every other time through USB cable since the bootloader is written in the chip.  I Don't understand it...

2. My nRF connect SDK vs code KConfig GUI is different from the one mentioned in the course. Check the images below please (Left Image is from the course)


I just want to put a simple bootloader to my device so that I can program it through USB and not j-link from the DK and I want a clear way to do it.
How do I do that in nRF Connect SDK with VS code???  CAn you provide me a step by step guide  on how to do that? It is rather confusing so far...

Thank you for your time!
