How can the bin file be encrypted and signed?


The SDK version I am using is 2.6.1 and the example is "matter lock".

I wrote the following configuration into \child_image\mcuboot\prj.conf.


And add the code to CMakeLists.txt. Are these steps correct?

Is app_update.bin a generated encrypted file?


  • Hi,

    This configuration is not present in NCS v2.6.1, meaning that encrypted DFU is not supported.


    But this unofficial sample which should work for 2.5.x and 2.6.x should give you a pointer for how to add it. Note that it does not support the nRF5340 

    But it is present in 2.9.0-rc1 as far as I can see.

    Is app_update.bin a generated encrypted file?

    In the latest version of it describes that zephyr.signed.encrypted.bin is used to  create for encrypted multi-core DFU updates.

    Since 2.9.0-rc1 is just a release candidate, I'm not too familiar with this feature, but I will have a look.

    Kind regards,

  • Hi,

    After I configured CONFIG_BOOT_ENCRYPT_IMAGE=y, mcuboot did not have enough memory space.

    I modified the "pm_static_dfu.yml" file. There seems to be a problem with my program.

    How to solve the problems?


  • Hi,

    The current problem is the previous reply.

  • That is not the log I'm referring to, but I'm sure the issue is where you're pointing. Could you please enable logging and 

    1) Upload the build log

    2) Upload the device logs from both bootloader and application

    Kind regards,

  • Hi,

    The attachment is BUILD LOG, the device will not send any messagebuild log.7z

    Can you confirm it for me first?

    If version 2.6.1 does not support "CONFIG_BOOT_ENCRYPT_IMAGE", is bin file encrypted by default?
  • Thank you,

    SunHuang said:

    Can you confirm it for me first?

    If version 2.6.1 does not support "CONFIG_BOOT_ENCRYPT_IMAGE", is bin file encrypted by default?

    MCUboot supports encrypted DFU, but there's not support for it in the SDK v2.6.1 out of the box.

    The sample in the unofficial repository you refer to shows how you can modify the firmware to have encrypted DFU ( in NCS v2.6.1.

    warning: MBEDTLS (defined at soc/arm/nxp_imx\rt5xx\Kconfig.defconfig.series:63,
    soc/arm/nxp_imx\rt6xx\Kconfig.defconfig.series:64, soc/arm/nxp_imx\rt\Kconfig.defconfig.series:117,
    C:/ncs/v2.6.1/zephyr/modules/mbedtls/Kconfig:17, modules\mbedtls\Kconfig:17) was assigned the value
    'y' but got the value 'n'. See
    and/or look up MBEDTLS in the menuconfig/guiconfig interface. The Application Development Primer,
    Setting Configuration Values, and Kconfig - Tips and Best Practices sections of the manual might be
    helpful too.
    warning: PM (defined at soc/arm/silabs_exx32\efr32bg22\Kconfig.defconfig.series:18,
    soc/arm/st_stm32\stm32f4\Kconfig.defconfig.series:20, subsys/pm/Kconfig:13) was assigned the value
    'y' but got the value 'n'. Check these unsatisfied dependencies: ((SOC_SERIES_EFR32BG22 &&
    SOC_FAMILY_EXX32) || SOC_SERIES_STM32F4X || (SYS_CLOCK_EXISTS && HAS_PM)) (=n). See and/or look up PM in the
    menuconfig/guiconfig interface. The Application Development Primer, Setting Configuration Values,
    and Kconfig - Tips and Best Practices sections of the manual might be helpful too.
    warning: BT_CTLR_SDC_PERIPHERAL_COUNT (defined at
    C:/ncs/v2.6.1/nrf\subsys\bluetooth\controller/Kconfig:123) was assigned the value '3' but got the
    value ''. Check these unsatisfied dependencies: BT_LL_SOFTDEVICE (=n), BT_CTLR (=n). See and/or look up
    BT_CTLR_SDC_PERIPHERAL_COUNT in the menuconfig/guiconfig interface. The Application Development
    Primer, Setting Configuration Values, and Kconfig - Tips and Best Practices sections of the manual
    might be helpful too.
    warning: Experimental symbol GPIO_ENABLE_DISABLE_INTERRUPT is enabled.

    There's 4 warnings in the build configuration that is not present when building the default lock sample in the SDK. I recommend you to clear these up to reduce the possibility that this is an XY problem.

    And have you managed to get this working on a sample that is less complex than the Matter door lock? I understand that your end goal is to get it up and running for this app, but I would suggest you verify that it works on a minimal sample first to avoid any XY situations

    Kind regards,

  • Hi,

    I have solved 3 warnings, "GPIO_ENABLE_DISABLE_INTERRUPT" I have to use, otherwise it will affect the interrupt function.

    pm_static has not been solved yet. Which example do you recommend for testing?

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