Fix up links in the Q&A

I know this is a heavy lift for you at Nordic, but do you think there is a way to fix up OR perhaps tag with somem message the links in the Q&A that have expired or moved to new locations??
For example: NRF52 Watchdog Reset When only reset source is soft reset? - Nordic Q&A - Nordic DevZone - Nordic DevZone
I know this is a pretty old, but the conversation is still relevant and comes up in the search, so it would be nice if the "errata link" in the last response could be flagged that it is incorrect and ULTIMATELY it would be great if it could be redirected.

I know that would be a heck of a lot of internal work to come up with a safe script that could run though all the records on this site and find the old links, but I think it would really be a big help to the knowledge base.


  • Hello Tony,

    The idea was that this redirection of all the old links would be done automatically (no matter how old the links are), but I am sorry to see that not all links work the way they should. 

    Running through all the old cases that have links, and adding this notice is one solution, but once we've found such an old link we would prefer to simply fix it so that it points to what it should. So I am glad that you report these links that do not work to us on DevZone so that I can fix them. You can alternatively send them to me on a pm. If you want to find a link to the new docs that matches on old one, I often find that the AI does a good job with that as well.



  • Thats interesting, wonder if a script could be made to automagically dump bad links into the AI to find the actual document... wouldn't that be fun. 
    Like the 404 page would grab the request and try to pivot.

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  • Hmm yeah. But I guess figuring out whether or not a link doesn't work is another thing that is hard to tell, as it doesn't necessarily point to a 404 page, like the link in the post you sent. Telling whether or not a link points to the thing it was meant to is also something AI would be able to help out with, but it would be rather computationally intensive to run that on every link posted on DevZone..
