Can ble mesh client send data using GATT in mesh network


"In a BLE Mesh network, if a client uses GAP attributes to send data, can it also use the GATT profile to communicate with a single device? For example, can the client connect to a specific server device, send data to that server, and have the server broadcast the data to other devices in the network?"

If it is possible then pls guide us to make it possible.

Thank you 


  • Hello,

    This is possible. In fact, it is what we call a proxy node. In most of our Mesh samples, we use this to add nodes to the Mesh network. So by default all nodes act as proxy nodes, and they advertise like normal BLE devices. Then you can connect to them using a mobile phone (particularly the nRF Mesh app), and use this BLE connection to set up network keys and to set up which channels to subscribe to and publish to, and so on. Then you can also use the mobile app, connected to any proxy node in the network to send Mesh messages to the mesh network through the proxy node. 

    Is this what you are looking for? If you are interested, the nRF Mesh app is open source, and you can find it's source code here:

    nRF Mesh for Android

    nRF Mesh for iOS

    nRF Mesh app landing page.

    Best regards,


  • Thanks Edvin,, but my query is that can a node connect to another node through GATT attribute in mesh. 
    Like, a mesh node with client model in it connecting to another node with server model through GATT and sending data. The receiving node then send this data to mesh network using GAP attribute.

    Thank You


  • That should be possible in theory (but it is not part of the Bluetooth Mesh specification, so you would be required to implement the application on both sides of this transaction), and write an application that allows for this. 

    That would be implementing an application with Mesh functionality that will also advertise a connectable advertisement, and that has a Service and Characteristic that can be used for communication.

    Then you would need to have another Mesh node that scans for that particular node when needed, and then connects, and transfers data via the characteristic. 

    Best regards,


  • That should be possible in theory (but it is not part of the Bluetooth Mesh specification, so you would be required to implement the application on both sides of this transaction), and write an application that allows for this. 

    That would be implementing an application with Mesh functionality that will also advertise a connectable advertisement, and that has a Service and Characteristic that can be used for communication.

    Then you would need to have another Mesh node that scans for that particular node when needed, and then connects, and transfers data via the characteristic. 

    Best regards,


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