Wireless HID USB without Bluetooth


1. Do you have any hardware to implement Wireless HID USB without Bluetooth like Logitech with USB dongle?

2. Do you have an example of IR TV remote for any hardware?

Thank you Greg.

  • Hello Greg,

    1. Do you have any hardware to implement Wireless HID USB without Bluetooth like Logitech with USB dongle?

    All of our nRF52, 53, and 54 series SoCs are capable of working as non-Bluetooth, Bluetooth, or USB HID device. Combining the features are possible, but also increases memory requirements, so that might require devices with more memory.

    2. Do you have an example of IR TV remote for any hardware?

    Unfortunately, we don't.

    I will be out of office for two weeks after this. If you have any follow up questions, please just reply, and either I will answer when I return, or some other Tech Support engineer will answer if they can.


  • Thank you Hieu,

    What hardware in nRF52 can be used for USB dongle and Wireless HID USB without Bluetooth ?

  • I am not very clear what would be a "Wireless HID USB without Bluetooth." However, I can tell that we have a reference design for desktop accessories, called the nRF Desktop application. It supports a lot of configurations, but only Bluetooth for wireless connectivity. That said, you can, with some assumptions, just estimate your stack to be about the same size as the Bluetooth stack and still refer to the documentation.

    Which features can be supported with which board are documented here. However, you might want to begin with the main documentation page to have an overview first before diving in.

    Other than that, the nRF52840 is the strongest of the nRF52 family, and should be able to satisfy most desktop accessories requirement. You can begin with the nRF52840 DK for the very early stage of the project. As you figure out your product and finalize the feature and architecture, you can make a rough build, see your memory needs, and choose the most appropriate device.

  • All of our nRF52, 53, and 54 series SoCs are capable of working as non-Bluetooth!!!

    So, you do not have any hardware - "Wireless HID USB" like Logitech keyboard mouse combo with usb dongle - without Bluetooth!!!

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