Running LTE_BLE_GATEWAY example gives "No HCI driver registered" error


Running LTE_BLE_GATEWAY example on nRF9160DK rev 1.1.3 gives "No HCI driver registered" error  together with "Bluetooth init failed (err -19)". SDK/Toolset version is 2.8.0

Any help appreciated


Parents Reply
  • I'm building the project according to the steps described in the web page mentioned. The board is nRF9160-DK (PCA10090, 1.1.3). SDK version is 2.8.0. 

    Built first a sample from samples/bluetooth/hci_lpuart and flashed the nrf52840 as instructed. Terminal connected to the VCOM1 shows an asteric after flashing

    Built then Gateway sample. Using board version number as instructed in the documentation. Builds without problems. After flashing terminal connected to VCOM0 shows, that 

    *** Booting nRF Connect SDK v2.8.0-a2386bfc8401 ***
    *** Using Zephyr OS v3.7.99-0bc3393fb112 ***
    [00:00:00.338,806] <inf> lte_ble_gw: LTE Sensor Gateway sample started
    [00:00:00.339,019] <inf> lte_ble_gw: Initializing Bluetooth..
    [00:00:00.339,019] <err> bt_hci_core: No HCI driver registered
    [00:00:00.339,050] <err> lte_ble_gw: Bluetooth init failed (err -19)

    I'm happy to provide more details if needed


