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0xDEADBEEF, 722, src \ ll_adv.c

Hi all,

I use nRF51822, sdk_v5_0_0_34603 and s110_nrf51822_6.0.0-5.beta. In a different periods of time appears error "0xDEADBEEF, 722, src \ ll_adv.c". Error appears only with battery powered device (tested with different batteries). What may be the reason for this error.

Best regards, Peter

  • Hi Peter

    We are not aware of anyting that can cause the assert you see.

    Can you provide us with a simplified application example and description on how we can recreate your observation? Have you tried to use a power supply to control the supply voltage to see at what level the error may occur? If you are using nRFgo Motherboard you can set the supply voltage from nRFgo Studio, a devkit module must be present on the motherboard.

    Best regards, Kenneth

  • Hi Peter

    We are not aware of anyting that can cause the assert you see.

    Can you provide us with a simplified application example and description on how we can recreate your observation? Have you tried to use a power supply to control the supply voltage to see at what level the error may occur? If you are using nRFgo Motherboard you can set the supply voltage from nRFgo Studio, a devkit module must be present on the motherboard.

    Best regards, Kenneth
