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0xDEADBEEF, 722, src \ ll_adv.c

Hi all,

I use nRF51822, sdk_v5_0_0_34603 and s110_nrf51822_6.0.0-5.beta. In a different periods of time appears error "0xDEADBEEF, 722, src \ ll_adv.c". Error appears only with battery powered device (tested with different batteries). What may be the reason for this error.

Best regards, Peter

  • Hi, Peter!

    Are you starting and stopping advertising and also doing flash writes at the same time?

    We are aware of one issue with the s110 6.0.0 that might be related to what you see:

    Stopping advertising (either by calling sd_ble_gap_adv_stop() or by a timeout) after a flash operation is started and then starting advertising again before the flash operation is complete may lead to undefined behaviour (DRGN-3785). Workarounds are:

    Either wait 50 ms or more from stopping advertising until starting advertising again.
    Or wait until the flash operation end event (NRF_EVT_FLASH_OPERATION_SUCCESS or NRF_EVT_FLASH_OPERATION_ERROR) has been received before starting advertising again

    Please try one of these workarounds (the one that is most relevant for you), and report your findings.


  • Hi Asbjørn,

    I do not use flash write. But you mention about 'advertising'. Ahter advertising timeout or disconnect I am changing advertising parameters and start advertising again without stop command. May be this is the problem. Will check and report. In my previous post is source code.

    Best regards, Peter

  • Hi Asbjørn,

    I do not use flash write. But you mention about 'advertising'. Ahter advertising timeout or disconnect I am changing advertising parameters and start advertising again without stop command. May be this is the problem. Will check and report. In my previous post is source code.

    Best regards, Peter

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