GNSS on nrf9151-DK not work

HI everybody,

I have problem with my Nordic nrf9151-DK. I am not able to use GNSS with this kit.  A looked at documentation and found, that i have to activate XCOEX0. I did it, try to measure voltage at this pin, but it doesn't help. I am able to activate GNSS, but it not sending anything. Coliud be problem with signal.? I tried it outside and inside, in both cases it doesn't work. U used external power supply to suply kit, cause i see LED5 is blinking in period when GNSS try to get data (supply antena, current pulzes).

I tried example of GNSS in zephyr, it works (tracking 12, if it is fine to say it works), but after some times, it stopes. Could somebody show me how to work with Nordic GNSS please?

I am beginner, it could be easy (and stupid) for somebody who is an expert.


