Relay Configuration and implementation in BLE mesh network

I am trying to implement the following: I have a mesh node built using the Sensor Server  example for publishing temperature data. I want one relay node to transmit the temperature data to another node, which is not within the radio range of the first node. This second node is built using the Sensor Client model. My question is: how do I implement the relay feature, which code should I use for that, and what changes need to be made?

Parents Reply
  • Hi Jeena, 

    Jeena Francis said:
    Do I need to make any changes in the BLE Mesh app?

     The relay role is also can be configured from the BLE Mesh app. You can access the configuration  server and turn off and on relay feature. (you would need to do a reload to load the current value before you change it)

    Jeena Francis said:
    Which element is configured, and do I need to set the publish and subscribe addresses, publish TTL, publish retransmission count, and interval?

    As far as I know it's preconfigured. But you can change them in the configuration server (in the primary element) 
