Retrieve MCUBoot version from main application


I'm trying to retrieve the MCUBoot version inside my application (from the VERSION file).

In the Zephyr documentation (, I found that I can access app_version.h (located in /app/build/app/zephyr/include/generated/app_version.h).

A similar file exists in the MCUBoot build folder (/app/build/mcuboot/zephyr/include/generated/app_version.h).

I'm facing two problems:
1) I can't find a way to include the MCUBoot app_version.h file in my code.
2) Assuming I can include it, it uses the same macro names as the application. In my code, I need to use both the application version and the MCUBoot version. How can I modify the macro names generated for MCUBoot to avoid conflicts?


Parents Reply
  • Hi Sigurd, i'm Eyal, the TL of Udi who opened the ticket.
    The "running sequence number" is indeed something we will use for FOTA, but still we want to be able to send the version number of the mcu boot. the version number is not the sequence number that we decide on in the  CONFIG_FW_INFO_FIRMWARE_VERSION we set ourselves but the VERSION file that resides in the mcuboot repo.
    The way zephyr works, that file is integrated into the mcuboot binary (s1\s0 if build or just s0 if not dual boot).
    We cannot find that data in the binary, we are asking why and where can we find it cause not finding it means something is wrong.
    Please refer to the question and not the scenario.



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