I am developing using nRF5340DK and nRF Connect SDK v2.9.0.
A fatal error occurred on the board when sending some Mesh Model Messages to the smartphone app.
It doesn't happen every time. I think it is more likely to occur when sending repeatedly.ASSERTION FAIL @ WEST_TOPDIR/zephyr/subsys/bluetooth/mesh/adv.c
Here is the code where a fatal error occurs.void bt_mesh_adv_unref(struct bt_mesh_adv *adv)
__ASSERT_NO_MSG(adv->__ref > 0);
if (--adv->__ref > 0) {
"adv->__ref" was underflowing. I thought the number of calls to "bt_mesh_adv_ref()" and "bt_mesh_adv_unref()" had an effect.
However, since the detailed sequence is unclear, I added debug logs to "adv.c". The at symbol represents the location I modified.
I output the address of the "struct bt_mesh_adv", ref, and the caller's file name, function name, and line number.static struct bt_mesh_adv *adv_create_from_pool(struct k_mem_slab *buf_pool,
enum bt_mesh_adv_type type,
enum bt_mesh_adv_tag tag,
uint8_t xmit, k_timeout_t timeout)
// some code...
LOG_INF( "%p create", (void*)adv ) ; // @@@
return adv;
struct bt_mesh_adv *bt_mesh_adv_ref(struct bt_mesh_adv *adv, const char *file, const char *func, int line)
LOG_INF( "%p ref : %u -> %u ( %s %s %u )", (void*)adv, ( adv->__ref ), ( adv->__ref + 1 ), file, func, line ) ; // @@@
__ASSERT_NO_MSG(adv->__ref < UINT8_MAX);
return adv;
void bt_mesh_adv_unref(struct bt_mesh_adv *adv, const char *file, const char *func, int line)
LOG_INF( "%p unref: %u -> %u ( %s %s %u )", (void*)adv, ( adv->__ref ), ( adv->__ref - 1 ), file, func, line ) ; // @@@
__ASSERT_NO_MSG(adv->__ref > 0);
if (--adv->__ref > 0) {
LOG_INF( "%p free", (void*)adv ) ; // @@@
// some code...
Result(The message content is masked.):[00:02:14.832,489] <dbg> bt_mesh_access: bt_mesh_model_recv: app_idx 0x0000 src 0x0001 dst 0x016d
[00:02:14.832,550] <dbg> bt_mesh_access: bt_mesh_model_recv: len 2: ****
[00:02:14.832,580] <dbg> bt_mesh_access: bt_mesh_model_recv: OpCode 0x********
[00:02:14.836,273] <dbg> bt_mesh_access: bt_mesh_model_recv: app_idx 0x0000 src 0x0001 dst 0x0170
[00:02:14.836,303] <dbg> bt_mesh_access: bt_mesh_model_recv: len 5: **********
[00:02:14.836,334] <dbg> bt_mesh_access: bt_mesh_model_recv: OpCode 0x********
[00:02:14.840,057] <dbg> bt_mesh_access: bt_mesh_model_recv: app_idx 0x0000 src 0x0001 dst 0x016b
[00:02:14.840,087] <dbg> bt_mesh_access: bt_mesh_model_recv: len 2: ****
[00:02:14.840,087] <dbg> bt_mesh_access: bt_mesh_model_recv: OpCode 0x********
[00:02:14.843,811] <dbg> bt_mesh_access: bt_mesh_model_recv: app_idx 0x0000 src 0x0001 dst 0x0172
[00:02:14.843,841] <dbg> bt_mesh_access: bt_mesh_model_recv: len 5: **********
[00:02:14.860,504] <dbg> bt_mesh_access: bt_mesh_access_send: net_idx 0x0000 app_idx 0x0000 dst 0x0001
[00:02:14.860,534] <dbg> bt_mesh_access: bt_mesh_access_send: len 6: ************
[00:02:14.861,267] <inf> bt_mesh_adv: 0x2002708c create
[00:02:14.862,182] <inf> bt_mesh_adv: 0x2002708c ref : 1 -> 2 ( WEST_TOPDIR/zephyr/subsys/bluetooth/mesh/proxy_msg.c bt_mesh_proxy_relay_send 251 )
[00:02:14.862,243] <inf> bt_mesh_adv: 0x2002708c ref : 2 -> 3 ( WEST_TOPDIR/zephyr/subsys/bluetooth/mesh/adv.c bt_mesh_adv_send 302 )
[00:02:14.862,304] <inf> bt_mesh_adv: 0x2002708c unref: 3 -> 2 ( WEST_TOPDIR/zephyr/subsys/bluetooth/mesh/net.c bt_mesh_net_send 596 )
[00:02:14.862,396] <inf> bt_mesh_adv: 0x2002708c ref : 2 -> 3 ( WEST_TOPDIR/zephyr/subsys/bluetooth/mesh/proxy_msg.c proxy_relay_send 228 )
[00:02:14.862,548] <inf> bt_mesh_adv: 0x2002708c unref: 3 -> 2 ( WEST_TOPDIR/zephyr/subsys/bluetooth/mesh/proxy_msg.c proxy_msg_send_pending 274 )
[00:02:14.862,915] <inf> bt_mesh_adv: 0x2002708c unref: 2 -> 1 ( WEST_TOPDIR/zephyr/subsys/bluetooth/mesh/proxy_msg.c buf_send_end 211 )
[00:02:14.865,081] <dbg> bt_mesh_access: bt_mesh_model_recv: app_idx 0x0000 src 0x0001 dst 0x0171
[00:02:14.865,112] <dbg> bt_mesh_access: bt_mesh_model_recv: len 5: **********
[00:02:14.865,142] <dbg> bt_mesh_access: bt_mesh_model_recv: OpCode 0x********
[00:02:14.868,835] <dbg> bt_mesh_access: bt_mesh_access_send: net_idx 0x0000 app_idx 0x0000 dst 0x0001
[00:02:14.868,865] <dbg> bt_mesh_access: bt_mesh_access_send: len 7: **************
[00:02:14.869,598] <inf> bt_mesh_adv: 0x20027050 create
[00:02:14.870,513] <inf> bt_mesh_adv: 0x20027050 ref : 1 -> 2 ( WEST_TOPDIR/zephyr/subsys/bluetooth/mesh/proxy_msg.c bt_mesh_proxy_relay_send 251 )
[00:02:14.870,574] <inf> bt_mesh_adv: 0x20027050 ref : 2 -> 3 ( WEST_TOPDIR/zephyr/subsys/bluetooth/mesh/adv.c bt_mesh_adv_send 302 )
[00:02:14.870,635] <inf> bt_mesh_adv: 0x20027050 unref: 3 -> 2 ( WEST_TOPDIR/zephyr/subsys/bluetooth/mesh/net.c bt_mesh_net_send 596 )
[00:02:14.870,666] <dbg> bt_mesh_access: bt_mesh_access_send: net_idx 0x0000 app_idx 0x0000 dst 0x0001
[00:02:14.870,697] <dbg> bt_mesh_access: bt_mesh_access_send: len 4: ********
[00:02:14.871,429] <inf> bt_mesh_adv: 0x20027014 create
[00:02:14.872,375] <inf> bt_mesh_adv: 0x20027014 ref : 1 -> 2 ( WEST_TOPDIR/zephyr/subsys/bluetooth/mesh/proxy_msg.c bt_mesh_proxy_relay_send 251 )
[00:02:14.872,406] <inf> bt_mesh_adv: 0x20027014 ref : 2 -> 3 ( WEST_TOPDIR/zephyr/subsys/bluetooth/mesh/adv.c bt_mesh_adv_send 302 )
[00:02:14.872,467] <inf> bt_mesh_adv: 0x20027014 unref: 3 -> 2 ( WEST_TOPDIR/zephyr/subsys/bluetooth/mesh/net.c bt_mesh_net_send 596 )
[00:02:14.873,596] <inf> bt_mesh_adv: 0x2002708c ref : 1 -> 2 ( WEST_TOPDIR/zephyr/subsys/bluetooth/mesh/adv_ext.c adv_send 271 )
[00:02:14.873,626] <inf> bt_mesh_adv: 0x2002708c unref: 2 -> 1 ( WEST_TOPDIR/zephyr/subsys/bluetooth/mesh/adv_ext.c send_pending_adv 356 )
[00:02:14.873,687] <inf> bt_mesh_adv: 0x20027050 ref : 2 -> 3 ( WEST_TOPDIR/zephyr/subsys/bluetooth/mesh/proxy_msg.c proxy_relay_send 228 )
[00:02:14.873,809] <inf> bt_mesh_adv: 0x20027050 unref: 3 -> 2 ( WEST_TOPDIR/zephyr/subsys/bluetooth/mesh/proxy_msg.c proxy_msg_send_pending 274 )
[00:02:14.873,901] <inf> bt_mesh_adv: 0x20027014 ref : 2 -> 3 ( WEST_TOPDIR/zephyr/subsys/bluetooth/mesh/proxy_msg.c proxy_relay_send 228 )
[00:02:14.874,023] <inf> bt_mesh_adv: 0x20027014 unref: 3 -> 2 ( WEST_TOPDIR/zephyr/subsys/bluetooth/mesh/proxy_msg.c proxy_msg_send_pending 274 )
[00:02:14.874,084] <inf> bt_mesh_adv: 0x20027014 ref : 2 -> 3 ( WEST_TOPDIR/zephyr/subsys/bluetooth/mesh/proxy_msg.c proxy_relay_send 228 )
[00:02:14.874,206] <inf> bt_mesh_adv: 0x20027014 unref: 3 -> 2 ( WEST_TOPDIR/zephyr/subsys/bluetooth/mesh/proxy_msg.c proxy_msg_send_pending 274 )
[00:02:14.874,267] <inf> bt_mesh_adv: 0x20027014 ref : 2 -> 3 ( WEST_TOPDIR/zephyr/subsys/bluetooth/mesh/proxy_msg.c proxy_relay_send 228 )
[00:02:14.874,389] <inf> bt_mesh_adv: 0x20027014 unref: 3 -> 2 ( WEST_TOPDIR/zephyr/subsys/bluetooth/mesh/proxy_msg.c proxy_msg_send_pending 274 )
[00:02:14.874,481] <inf> bt_mesh_adv: 0x20027014 ref : 2 -> 3 ( WEST_TOPDIR/zephyr/subsys/bluetooth/mesh/proxy_msg.c proxy_relay_send 228 )
[00:02:14.890,625] <inf> bt_mesh_adv: 0x20027050 unref: 2 -> 1 ( WEST_TOPDIR/zephyr/subsys/bluetooth/mesh/proxy_msg.c buf_send_end 211 )
[00:02:14.890,747] <inf> bt_mesh_adv: 0x20027014 unref: 3 -> 2 ( WEST_TOPDIR/zephyr/subsys/bluetooth/mesh/proxy_msg.c proxy_msg_send_pending 274 )
[00:02:14.890,808] <inf> bt_mesh_adv: 0x20027014 ref : 2 -> 3 ( WEST_TOPDIR/zephyr/subsys/bluetooth/mesh/proxy_msg.c proxy_relay_send 228 )
[00:02:14.891,601] <dbg> bt_mesh_access: bt_mesh_access_send: net_idx 0x0000 app_idx 0x0000 dst 0x0001
[00:02:14.891,632] <dbg> bt_mesh_access: bt_mesh_access_send: len 7: **************
[00:02:14.892,364] <inf> bt_mesh_adv: 0x20026fd8 create
[00:02:14.893,280] <inf> bt_mesh_adv: 0x20026fd8 ref : 1 -> 2 ( WEST_TOPDIR/zephyr/subsys/bluetooth/mesh/proxy_msg.c bt_mesh_proxy_relay_send 251 )
[00:02:14.893,341] <inf> bt_mesh_adv: 0x20026fd8 ref : 2 -> 3 ( WEST_TOPDIR/zephyr/subsys/bluetooth/mesh/adv.c bt_mesh_adv_send 302 )
[00:02:14.893,371] <inf> bt_mesh_adv: 0x20026fd8 unref: 3 -> 2 ( WEST_TOPDIR/zephyr/subsys/bluetooth/mesh/net.c bt_mesh_net_send 596 )
[00:02:14.909,515] <dbg> bt_mesh_access: bt_mesh_access_send: net_idx 0x0000 app_idx 0x0000 dst 0x0001
[00:02:14.909,545] <dbg> bt_mesh_access: bt_mesh_access_send: len 7: **************
[00:02:14.910,278] <inf> bt_mesh_adv: 0x20026f9c create
[00:02:14.911,224] <inf> bt_mesh_adv: 0x20026f9c ref : 1 -> 2 ( WEST_TOPDIR/zephyr/subsys/bluetooth/mesh/proxy_msg.c bt_mesh_proxy_relay_send 251 )
[00:02:14.911,254] <inf> bt_mesh_adv: 0x20026f9c ref : 2 -> 3 ( WEST_TOPDIR/zephyr/subsys/bluetooth/mesh/adv.c bt_mesh_adv_send 302 )
[00:02:14.911,315] <inf> bt_mesh_adv: 0x20026f9c unref: 3 -> 2 ( WEST_TOPDIR/zephyr/subsys/bluetooth/mesh/net.c bt_mesh_net_send 596 )
[00:02:14.920,471] <inf> bt_mesh_adv: 0x20027014 unref: 3 -> 2 ( WEST_TOPDIR/zephyr/subsys/bluetooth/mesh/proxy_msg.c buf_send_end 211 )
[00:02:14.920,593] <inf> bt_mesh_adv: 0x20027014 unref: 2 -> 1 ( WEST_TOPDIR/zephyr/subsys/bluetooth/mesh/proxy_msg.c proxy_msg_send_pending 274 )
[00:02:14.920,654] <inf> bt_mesh_adv: 0x20027014 ref : 1 -> 2 ( WEST_TOPDIR/zephyr/subsys/bluetooth/mesh/proxy_msg.c proxy_relay_send 228 )
[00:02:14.950,469] <inf> bt_mesh_adv: 0x20027014 unref: 2 -> 1 ( WEST_TOPDIR/zephyr/subsys/bluetooth/mesh/proxy_msg.c buf_send_end 211 )
[00:02:14.950,592] <inf> bt_mesh_adv: 0x20027014 unref: 1 -> 0 ( WEST_TOPDIR/zephyr/subsys/bluetooth/mesh/proxy_msg.c proxy_msg_send_pending 274 )
[00:02:14.950,592] <inf> bt_mesh_adv: 0x20027014 free
[00:02:14.950,653] <inf> bt_mesh_adv: 0x2002708c unref: 1 -> 0 ( WEST_TOPDIR/zephyr/subsys/bluetooth/mesh/adv_ext.c send_pending_adv 337 )
[00:02:14.950,683] <inf> bt_mesh_adv: 0x2002708c free
[00:02:14.954,345] <inf> bt_mesh_adv: 0x20027050 ref : 1 -> 2 ( WEST_TOPDIR/zephyr/subsys/bluetooth/mesh/adv_ext.c adv_send 271 )
[00:02:14.954,376] <inf> bt_mesh_adv: 0x20027050 unref: 2 -> 1 ( WEST_TOPDIR/zephyr/subsys/bluetooth/mesh/adv_ext.c send_pending_adv 356 )
[00:02:14.954,437] <inf> bt_mesh_adv: 0x20026f9c ref : 2 -> 3 ( WEST_TOPDIR/zephyr/subsys/bluetooth/mesh/proxy_msg.c proxy_relay_send 228 )
[00:02:14.980,255] <inf> bt_mesh_adv: 0x20027014 unref: 0 -> 4294967295 ( WEST_TOPDIR/zephyr/subsys/bluetooth/mesh/proxy_msg.c buf_send_end 211 )
ASSERTION FAIL @ WEST_TOPDIR/zephyr/subsys/bluetooth/mesh/adv.c:137
[00:02:14.980,316] <err> os: r0/a1: 0x00000004 r1/a2: 0x00000089 r2/a3: 0x00000041
[00:02:14.980,316] <err> os: r3/a4: 0x00000004 r12/ip: 0x00000010 r14/lr: 0x000212af
[00:02:14.980,346] <err> os: xpsr: 0x21000000
[00:02:14.980,346] <err> os: s[ 0]: 0x000000d3 s[ 1]: 0x00000000 s[ 2]: 0x20016170 s[ 3]: 0x0002ea51
[00:02:14.980,346] <err> os: s[ 4]: 0x00000001 s[ 5]: 0x0001c32f s[ 6]: 0x20026b8c s[ 7]: 0x00000000
[00:02:14.980,377] <err> os: s[ 8]: 0x200053c4 s[ 9]: 0x00000034 s[10]: 0x2001ef88 s[11]: 0x200181a8
[00:02:14.980,377] <err> os: s[12]: 0x200035c8 s[13]: 0x00000001 s[14]: 0x20016230 s[15]: 0x00014751
[00:02:14.980,407] <err> os: fpscr: 0x20025258
[00:02:14.980,407] <err> os: Faulting instruction address (r15/pc): 0x0004067a
[00:02:14.980,438] <err> os: >>> ZEPHYR FATAL ERROR 4: Kernel panic on CPU 0
[00:02:14.980,468] <err> os: Current thread: 0x200173b8 (unknown)
[00:02:15.808,959] <err> fatal_error: Resetting system
About the address of the "struct bt_mesh_adv" for the Message.
1st message(0x2002708c) : The Address has been freed.
2nd message(0x20027050) : The Address has not been freed yet.
3rd message(0x20027014) : After the address has been freed, "bt_mesh_adv_unref()" was called.
Do you know what the cause is?
Is it expected that changing the configuration parameters will lead to improvement?
It might be due to communication load, but I would like to avoid it causing a reset.
Thanks for reading.
Season's Greetings!