I have used course's example for GPIO interrupt for toggling LED and used to update BLE adv parameters without using DK buttons library. But, as soon as, I update BLE adv parameters the MCU resets. I know the DK library is quite comprehensive but want to know what is the issue in GPIO interrupt which leads to this reset.
This is my main code.
#include <zephyr/kernel.h> #include <zephyr/device.h> #include <zephyr/devicetree.h> #include <zephyr/drivers/gpio.h> #include <zephyr/drivers/pwm.h> #include "remote.h" #define SLEEP_TIME_MS 1000 #define LED0_NODE DT_ALIAS(led0) #define SW0_NODE DT_ALIAS(sw0) bool int_flag; static const struct gpio_dt_spec led = GPIO_DT_SPEC_GET(LED0_NODE, gpios); static const struct gpio_dt_spec sw = GPIO_DT_SPEC_GET(SW0_NODE, gpios); static const struct device *gpio_ct_dev = DEVICE_DT_GET(DT_NODELABEL(gpio0)); static const struct pwm_dt_spec pwm_led0 = PWM_DT_SPEC_GET(DT_ALIAS(pwmled0)); static struct gpio_callback button_cb_data; void button_pressed (const struct device *dev, struct gpio_callback *cb, uint32_t pins) { //gpio_pin_toggle_dt(&led); gpio_pin_toggle(gpio_ct_dev, 13); bt_update_ad(); } int main(void) { int ret, err; bool val; if (!device_is_ready(led.port)) { return; } if (!device_is_ready(pwm_led0.dev)) { return 0; } ret = gpio_pin_configure(gpio_ct_dev, 13, GPIO_OUTPUT); ret = gpio_pin_configure(gpio_ct_dev, 11, (GPIO_INPUT | GPIO_PULL_UP | GPIO_ACTIVE_LOW)); gpio_pin_configure_dt(&led,GPIO_OUTPUT_ACTIVE); gpio_pin_configure_dt(&sw, GPIO_INPUT); gpio_pin_interrupt_configure(gpio_ct_dev, 11, GPIO_INT_EDGE_TO_ACTIVE); gpio_init_callback(&button_cb_data, &button_pressed, BIT(11)); gpio_add_callback(gpio_ct_dev, &button_cb_data); err = bluetooth_init(); if (err) { return -1; } for (;;) { } }
This is my remote.c:
#include "remote.h" #define DEVICE_NAME CONFIG_BT_DEVICE_NAME #define DEVICE_NAME_LEN (sizeof(DEVICE_NAME) - 1) #define COMPANY_ID_CODE 0x0059 // Nordic Semiconductor company typedef struct adv_mfg_data { uint16_t company_code; /* Company Identifier Code. */ uint16_t number_press; /* Number of times Button 1 is pressed*/ } adv_mfg_data_type; static adv_mfg_data_type adv_mfg_data = {COMPANY_ID_CODE,0x00}; static unsigned char url_data[] ={0x17,'/','/','a','c','a','d','e','m','y','.', 'n','o','r','d','i','c','s','e','m','i','.', 'c','o','m'}; static struct bt_le_adv_param *adv_param = BT_LE_ADV_PARAM(BT_LE_ADV_OPT_NONE, 800, 801, NULL); static const struct bt_data ad[] = { /* STEP 4.1.2 - Set the advertising flags */ BT_DATA_BYTES(BT_DATA_FLAGS, BT_LE_AD_NO_BREDR), /* STEP 4.1.3 - Set the advertising packet data */ BT_DATA(BT_DATA_NAME_COMPLETE, DEVICE_NAME, DEVICE_NAME_LEN), BT_DATA(BT_DATA_MANUFACTURER_DATA,(unsigned char *)&adv_mfg_data, sizeof(adv_mfg_data)), }; static const struct bt_data sd[] = { /* 4.2.3 Include the URL data in the scan response packet*/ BT_DATA(BT_DATA_URI, url_data,sizeof(url_data)), }; int bluetooth_init(void) { int err; err = err = bt_enable(NULL); if (err) { return -1; } err = bt_le_adv_start(adv_param, ad, ARRAY_SIZE(ad), sd, ARRAY_SIZE(sd)); if (err) { return -1; } return err; } void bt_update_ad(void) { adv_mfg_data.number_press += 1; bt_le_adv_update_data(ad, ARRAY_SIZE(ad), sd, ARRAY_SIZE(sd)); }
As soon as bt_update_ad() is called in button_pressed which GPIO callback, MCU resets.
Please guide what should be implemented in this raw GPIO interrupt callback to avoid MCU reset to update adv parameters.