High power consumption in system OFF mode using xiao nrf52840 ble

Hello, recently I bought the Seeed XIAO nrf52840 because I read in the datasheets the power consumption of the microcontroller is 400 nA typical in SYSTEM OFF mode without RAM retention and peripherals and 3.3V

However, when I measure the power consumption using the Power Profiler Kit II, the consumption is of 10uA running the following code:

void setup() {

  /*medicion de temperatura usando registro del sensor*/
  int32_t temp;
  while(NRF_TEMP->EVENTS_DATARDY == 0){}
  temp = NRF_TEMP->TEMP;

  /*deshabilitar ADC y apagar secciones de RAM*/


  //power of RAM sections to avoid consumption in system OFF
  for(size_t i = 0; i<9; i++){
    NRF_POWER->RAM[i].POWER = 0;

  // Put the device in system off mode

void loop() {
  // Empty loop, as the device is in system off mode

The code is loaded from Arduino IDE. If I try to flash the equivalent code from VSCode using the nRF Connect SDK 2.6.1 extension, the system doesn't even go into SYSTEM OFF mode.

These are the measurements I obtained. Consumption averages at 10.76uA with minimums around 10.12uA and I assume the spikes are caused by an internal regulator.

To measure the consumption, I am using source mode with output enabled connecting V_out PPK2 to the 3.3V pin of the SeeedIA and bothNDs connected together Everything is on a breadboard.

I would like to the source of this high power consumption. Is the method I am using to power off peripherals effective, or could they still be on?

I am aiming to reach500nA if, but powering off peripherals doesn't seem to impact the consumption in any meaningful way.

  • Hi,

    Which version of the nRF52840 Xiao BLE do you have? Sense or no sense?

    The Sense version has the accelerometer lsm6ds3 on it, and from its datasheet, it looks like it draws 6uA in power-down mode.
    It also has a PDM microphone, but I cannot find out which one this is. That could also consume some current.
    And lastly it looks like it could also have external flash. Same for this.

    If you can find current consumption for the two latter, maybe all the numbers add up to ca 10uA in the end?

    Some hardware peripherals have Chip-Select pins where then can be "deselected" and thus maybe they consume less current in this mode. If so, that could be worth looking into as well.

    Let me know if you got any questions.

    Sigurd Hellesvik

  • Hi there,

    So I assume you got the (NON Sense) version it has No accelerometer or PDM microphone. should sleep a 4ua.

    what bootloader ?, factory one (ada-fruit) also those are using the NON-embed BSP version 1.1.1 in Arduino to get those test numbers BTW :+1:


    GL :-) PJ :v:

    I have the power profiler-2 also and verified them, check the forum on Seeed Studio

