I'm running the ble_hrs example provided on my nRF52 board. The thing is, I'm unable search my device using both nRF Master Control Panel and normal Bluetooth connection from Smartphone. What could I left out? Blinky example works as usual. Thanks!
I'm running the ble_hrs example provided on my nRF52 board. The thing is, I'm unable search my device using both nRF Master Control Panel and normal Bluetooth connection from Smartphone. What could I left out? Blinky example works as usual. Thanks!
Not close to enough information to give you any help. How did you compile it, what softdevice did you put on, if any, are lights lit up, which ones, can you use a debugger to step any piece of it, are you in an error handler, is the board switched on???
The answer to 'what could I have left out' is .. just about anything, you need to give much more information about what you've done, what you've tried and what you're seeing.
I've compiled it using gcc in Eclipse. As for the softdevice, I've not done anything related to it. Which softdevice should I use? It's programmed into the board as what I saw on the console but only LD5 lights up. The board is at its default settings when I first got it, haven't look much into how softdevice works. I'm currently using Eclipse as my IDE. Thanks!
Perhaps start by compiling it with the makefile in the SDK and uploading it because you know that will work. Which softdevice you should use depends on the example you're compiling, use the softdevice for the specific example. Once you get that working with the makefile Nordic supplies, you can work out why eclipse doesn't produce a working binary.
Thanks, I got it working, I left out the part where I have to flash the softDevice into my nRF52.