Radio Test for nrf7002

Hi supporter

                   we try to radio test for nrf7002 DK, we use ncs2.7.0 version, need to radio test for 2.4G Ble(2440 MHz) and Wifi(2440 MHz), 5G wifi(5500 MHz), need to measure frequency and power when setting upper frequency, for this frequency setting how to set from radio test command?do you have any reference example or document for practice?  now I can  use below_subcommand from wifi_radio_test as below picture.I can clearly see the radio test for short range for BLE 2440MHz is channel 18, but when I type command "wifi_radio_test init 18" is Invalid value, what happen for wifi_radio_test? 

Best Regards


Parents Reply
  • Hi Bendik Heiskel

                                 Upper two problems are solved, please ignore it, but I hvae another problem for uart drop message, when I test for Ble2440, Wifi 2.4G and Wifi 5G continously, it will drop message  between Wifi2.4G and Wifi 5G test, it will drop message on Wifi 5G command send or get command(as attached picture), for this problem I try to send "wifi_radio_test tx 0" to stop for wifi2.4G tx transmit data and after 3 seconds I try to send wifi 5G command, Do you have any idea for prevent drop message on uart, Thanks.

    Best Regards


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