Assume that we want to send a data array by putting it in consecutive advertisement packets. I know that data update has to be done by calling ble_advdata_set(...). The question is after starting the advertisement by sd_ble_gap_adv_start(&m_adv_params) how do we call ble_advdata_set() during the advertisement intervals.
After reading other posts, my understanding is that:
1- We should use radio_notification to get a signal after the radio becomes inactive, i.e., after it sent a packet.
2- In the radio_notification_event_handler, we can call to update the data.
First, is this the best method?
If yes, for getting notifications only after a packet is sent, I should use sd_radio_notification_cfg_set and ble_radio_notification_init together? Also, in this case the distance parameter can be ignored?