Windows Serial/BT Firmware Update Application Example


Currently, Nordic only provides an Android/IOS Application (Device Manager) for firmware update and other (Zephyr) functions.

For Windows, we currently rely on the Zephyr built-in cli tools or other open source project. None of them support the dfu zip file which is provided by the Nordic SDK.

1. Does Nordic have any example that are build on top of Windows, if no

2. Does Nordic have any plans or roadmap to support Windows?

It would be 'golden' if the Device Manager example was also usable on Windows (and Mac, Linux, Android, iOS) to have a true multi platform application.


Bart Theeuwes

Parents Reply
  • Hi,

    Yes;  to update nRF MCUs over Bluetooth or Serial with the MCUBoot Bootloader existing on the devices.

    I'm well aware of the zephyr project mcumgr overview, but it does not give me a clear answer if we would go for a cross-platform solution.

    Furthermore, the cli tools give a lower user experience then the IOS / Android Device manager (for example loading the dfu zip file, update according to a manifest). I was wondering if Device Manager gets ported to Windows some day.

    Best Regards,

