I developed a firmware on nrf51422 with nrf51. I use a development board PCA10028. With this firmware I control the directly the radio registers (Soft Device is disabled). My code is inspired from "radio test" available in SDK 10.0 (nRF51_SDK_10.0.0_dc26b5e\examples\peripheral\radio_test).
I'm in RADIO_MODE_MODE_Ble_1Mbit mode.
I call radio_tx_carrier(radio_x_power, radio_x_mode, radio_x_channel);
The radio_tx_carrier() code from nRF51_SDK_10.0.0_dc26b5e\examples\peripheral\radio_test\radio_test.c
With RF analyser I have this results:
channel 1 mesure: 2.41140,
channel 2 mesure: 2.41248,
channel 3 mesure: 2.41340,
channel 4 mesure: 2.41443,
channel 5 mesure: 2.41548,
channel 6 mesure: 2.41647,
channel 7 mesure: 2.41735,
channel 8 mesure: 2.41838,
channel 9 mesure: 2.41957,
channel 10 mesure: 2.42053,
Channel center frequency is shifted.
How I can set correctly the center frequency? I read that there was a register FICR:BLE_1MBIT[n]. Where is the description of the value that I can write? Frequency offset? unit? ...
Thanks for your help.