I am currently on a project where we have 4 BLE peripheral devices equipped with NRF52840 connecting to one BLE Central, which is an app on iOS or Android. From time to time the peripherals need to send a higher amount of data to the central. The four peripherals send this data at the same time.
In most cases this works well, however, from time to time I see issues, where one of the four peripherals is sending data much slower.
I think this correlates to an issue with the BLE Parameters, which I would like to optimize for my use case. However, from the documentation as well as other discussion on here I have hard times understanding the relationship between the following parameters:
In the following discussion How to set up NCS so that the Bluetooth connection interval can always send data - Nordic Q&A - Nordic DevZone - Nordic DevZone it is explained that CONFIG_BT_CTLR_SDC_MAX_CONN_EVENT_LEN_DEFAULT controls the event length.
In another discussion BLE multiple connection overlap - Nordic Q&A - Nordic DevZone - Nordic DevZone only CONFIG_BT_CTLR_SDC_MAX_CONN_EVENT_LEN_DEFAULT_OVERRIDE is mentioned in relation with the event extension. However, here it is used from my perspective falsely as CONFIG_BT_CTLR_SDC_MAX_CONN_EVENT_LEN_DEFAULT.
My questions:
Q1: As the second discussion irritated me: What is the purpose of BT_CTLR_SDC_MAX_CONN_EVENT_LEN_DEFAULT_OVERRIDE? Will this allow to override the Event Length during runtime. How does the event length override working? Is there an example?
Q2: Are the Config options only effective for devices configured as central or will they also have an effect on peripherals?