I am running a modified GNSS demo code for our board. At initialization, there is some traffic going between the MCU and the GNSS chip, but when the demo code calls nrf_modem_at_printf(), it returns an error.
The call stack is:
main() --> gnss_init_and_start() --> lte_lc_func_mode_set() --> cfun_mode_set() --> nrf_modem_at_printf().
Digging into the NCS v2.8.8 source code, I see that nrf_modem_at_printf() is actually defined away in nrf/applications/serial_lte_modem/src/slm_trap_macros.h:
#define nrf_modem_at_printf(...) function_disallowed_use_slm_util_printf_alternative(__VA_ARGS__)
The comments in slm_trap_macros.h explicitly tell us that the "...functions are disallowed for the modem AT command...", but it's not clear how to use the "
Alternatives to these functions are available in slm_util.h." Further, it's the example code, so I would expect that the libraries would work together.
Any ideas on how to get this to work?
Thank you