Switching between two simple code with code

i want to switch between two code... the code is simple led blinking i am trying for the testing purpose...in my code 1 led1 is blinking 500 ms of delay and in my code 2 led2 is blinking 1 sec of delay...i want to archive if i press button on my board then it can able to switch between this two code...where i have put each other flash starting address in code so i can able to start from there if button is pressed...but when i try to flash my code from nrf connect for desktop -> programmer and add the code 1 there there is no problem but when i try to flash code 2 hex file...then it is showing that  some of the HEX file have overlapping data..


  • Hi Mayank,

    Please make sure that both the codes are built with a separate flash base address. Also, you need a code in the main application to jump to the required code on button press.


  • hello priyanka,

    i have not mention in my question. really sorry about that but i am doing with different flash address in my code.. where i am also updating the vector table.. and after doing some experiments now i am able to store in flash but the issue is that if its in application1 when i press the button then it is going into the hardfault in application2. so can you give me solution for that..

    #include "nrf_gpio.h"
    #include "nrf_delay.h"
    #include "nrf.h"
    #define LED_PIN 16       // Adjust to your board's LED pin
    #define BUTTON_PIN 11    // Adjust to your board's button pin
    #define APP1_START_ADDR 0x0  // Address for App1
    typedef void (*app_entry_t)(void);
    void app2_main() {
        nrf_gpio_cfg_input(BUTTON_PIN, NRF_GPIO_PIN_PULLUP);
        while (1) {
            nrf_gpio_pin_toggle(LED_PIN);  // Toggle LED
            nrf_delay_ms(100);  // Wait for 100 ms
              if (nrf_gpio_pin_read(BUTTON_PIN) == 0) {  // Button press detected
              nrf_delay_ms(50);  // Debounce delay
              if (nrf_gpio_pin_read(BUTTON_PIN) == 0) {
          uint32_t app1_sp = *(volatile uint32_t *)APP1_START_ADDR;  // App1 stack pointer
          uint32_t app1_reset_vector = *(volatile uint32_t *)(APP1_START_ADDR + 4);  // App1's reset vector
          // Validate stack pointer and reset vector
          if (app1_sp >= 0x20000000 && app1_sp <= 0x20080000 && app1_reset_vector >= APP1_START_ADDR && app1_reset_vector < APP1_START_ADDR + 0x40000)
           __disable_irq();  // Disable interrupts
           __set_MSP(app1_sp);  // Set the stack pointer to App1's SP
           SCB->VTOR = APP1_START_ADDR;  // Update VTOR to point to App1's vector table
           __enable_irq();  // Enable interrupts if necessary
              void (*app1_entry)() = (void (*)())app1_reset_vector;  // Cast to function pointer
              app1_entry();  // Jump to App1
              //uint32_t app1_sp = *(volatile uint32_t *)APP1_START_ADDR;  // App2 stack pointer
              //  __set_MSP(app1_sp);  // Set the stack pointer to App2's SP
              //  SCB->VTOR = APP1_START_ADDR;  // Update VTOR to point to the new app
              //  uint32_t app1_reset_vector = *(volatile uint32_t *)(APP1_START_ADDR + 4);  // App2's reset vector
              //  void (*app1_entry)() = (void (*)())app1_reset_vector;  // Cast to function pointer
              //          app1_entry();  // Jump to App2
    int main() {
        app2_main();  // Start Code 2 (100 ms blink)
        return 0;
    #include "nrf_gpio.h"
    #include "nrf_delay.h"
    #include "nrf.h"
    #define LED_PIN 16       // Adjust to your board's LED pin
    #define BUTTON_PIN 11    // Adjust to your board's button pin
    #define APP1_START_ADDR 0x0  // Address for App1
    typedef void (*app_entry_t)(void);
    void app2_main() {
        nrf_gpio_cfg_input(BUTTON_PIN, NRF_GPIO_PIN_PULLUP);
        while (1) {
            nrf_gpio_pin_toggle(LED_PIN);  // Toggle LED
            nrf_delay_ms(100);  // Wait for 100 ms
              if (nrf_gpio_pin_read(BUTTON_PIN) == 0) {  // Button press detected
              nrf_delay_ms(50);  // Debounce delay
              if (nrf_gpio_pin_read(BUTTON_PIN) == 0) {
          uint32_t app1_sp = *(volatile uint32_t *)APP1_START_ADDR;  // App1 stack pointer
          uint32_t app1_reset_vector = *(volatile uint32_t *)(APP1_START_ADDR + 4);  // App1's reset vector
          // Validate stack pointer and reset vector
          if (app1_sp >= 0x20000000 && app1_sp <= 0x20080000 && app1_reset_vector >= APP1_START_ADDR && app1_reset_vector < APP1_START_ADDR + 0x40000)
           __disable_irq();  // Disable interrupts
           __set_MSP(app1_sp);  // Set the stack pointer to App1's SP
           SCB->VTOR = APP1_START_ADDR;  // Update VTOR to point to App1's vector table
           __enable_irq();  // Enable interrupts if necessary
              void (*app1_entry)() = (void (*)())app1_reset_vector;  // Cast to function pointer
              app1_entry();  // Jump to App1
              //uint32_t app1_sp = *(volatile uint32_t *)APP1_START_ADDR;  // App2 stack pointer
              //  __set_MSP(app1_sp);  // Set the stack pointer to App2's SP
              //  SCB->VTOR = APP1_START_ADDR;  // Update VTOR to point to the new app
              //  uint32_t app1_reset_vector = *(volatile uint32_t *)(APP1_START_ADDR + 4);  // App2's reset vector
              //  void (*app1_entry)() = (void (*)())app1_reset_vector;  // Cast to function pointer
              //          app1_entry();  // Jump to App2
    int main() {
        app2_main();  // Start Code 2 (100 ms blink)
        return 0;

  • Could you maybe try resetting the peripherals everytime before you transfer controls between the applications? And also maybe try clearing all existing interrupts that are there before jumping between the applications.


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