I am evaluating external flash on nRF5340DK. When I'm doing appcore DFU from external flash so that mcuboot_secondary and settings_storage are located on external flash, everything works fine. Now I try to make DFU also for netcore (mcuboot_secondary_1 located on external flash), it fails to error message "Failed to open flash area ID 1: -2". Error message comes from function int img_mgmt_erased_val(int slot, uint8_t *erased_val), located in file v2.8.0/zephyr/subsys/mgmt/mcumgr/grp/img_mgmt/src/zephyr_img_mgmt.c.
It tries to open flash area ID #1, but memory area table has only following ID's: 0,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,12. For some reason ID's 1 and 11 are missing and flash area open fails. I have tried to swap mcuboot_secondary and mcuboot_secondary_1 order in external flash, but netcore DFU (area mcuboot_secodary_1) always fails, physical address does not matter. Is there something wrong in my configuration?