Interface parallel ADC at up to 15MSPS possible

Hello, I am trying to read the TI ADC1173 at 10-15 MSPS. It has a 8bit parallel interface.
I just need to read a very short amount of time, like 5-10 µs (so up to 150 Byte at most).

Is this possible at all with a nrf chip? I have already the nrf5340 and the nrf52840, but to get others would not be a problem.

I read about EasyDMA which might be an option, but I am an absolute beginner in nrf programming, so it is really hard to find out if this is at all possible.

On my research I found the keywords GPIOTE and PPI/DPPI which might be options, but it seems the nrf chips are rarely used for parallel interfacing.

Thank you in advance :-)

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