Zigbee ZBOSS Fatal Error After Changing ZB_DEV_REJOIN_TIMEOUT_MS

We are producing an issue where the ZBOSS stack will emit a ZBOSS Fatal Error without any context if we alter ZB_DEV_REJOIN_TIMEOUT_MS. Specifically, the steps to reproduce are:

1. Build light_bulb sample with device configured as an sleepy end device with TC_REJOIN enabled, adding the build flag ZB_DEV_REJOIN_TIMEOUT_MS=604800000

west build -b nrf52840dk_nrf52840 -- -DCMAKE_C_FLAGS="-DZB_DEV_REJOIN_TIMEOUT_MS=604800000"

2. Connect to a hub successfully

3. Remove power from the hub so that the end device enters rejoin steering. After 30-35 minutes of steering, we observe a ZBOSS fatal error.

In these circumstances, we are producing this failure every time on the light_bulb sample app with nrf52840dk. Since the fatal error is emitted within the ZBOSS stack and has no surrounding context, we are unsure what the underlying cause of the failure is. If we do not modify ZB_DEV_REJOIN_TIMEOUT_MS, a fatal error is not seen. We'd like to increase ZB_DEV_REJOIN_TIMEOUT in order to allow the device to be more resilient to loss of power in the coordinator, however this behavior seems to prohibit that.

nRF Connect SDK v2.6.0 - below attached is console log, ZBOSS trace, and built hex app which produces the issue.


