nRF5340 in nRF7002DK consumes high current in idle state


I am testing on nRF7002DK board using nrf/samples/wifi/ble_coex sample.

The sample is working fine and I am measuring current consumption of nRF5340 and nRF7002 using two PPK2.

After coexistence test is finished, nRF5340 is not doing anything but consuming 5mA current on average.

Is it normal for nRF5340 to consume 5mA current on average when it is not doing anything?

I applied the guide below to reduce current consumption but got the same result.

Could you please help me with this issue?



  • Hi Seongbin,

    So you are measuring the two SoCs independently using this method

    5mA is a bit high, I think the consumption in an idle case should be similar to with the WiFi station sample, with which the 53 spends 1-2mA in an idle case. Are you concerned about the defeault consumption of the sample, or general tips on how to get lower consumption of the nRF5340 +nRF7 with ble coexistance applications?



  • Yes I am using that method to measure both SoCs independently.

    Why is the idle case consumption different between the BLE coexistence sample and the WiFi station sample?

    What is the 53 doing in the idle case that consumes 1-2mA?

    Could you also tell me how I can achieve lower consumption if I don't use wifi at all?

    Could you also give me some general tips on how to reduce consumption of nRF5340 + nRF7 in BLE coexistence application?


  • Additionally, I found out that the application core of the BLE coexistence sample runs at 128MHz.

    When I run the application core at 64MHz, the consumption is reduced to about 2.5mA. Even so, it seems to be higher than the consumption of the WiFi station sample.

    Could you tell me why the application core of the BLE coexistence sample runs at 128MHz and what the difference is when it runs at 64MHz?


  • The 128 MHz clock provides higher processing power, which can be beneficial for computationally intensive tasks. Though the power consumption might suffer a bit from this.

    Is this measurement you provided made after the BLE based provisioning is completed, the device connects to the provisioned AP and then is in idle mode? Or is this some time during the provisioning process? Note that in this sample, the BLE is active even after provisioning is done to send periodic adv packets to cater to any re-provisioning requirement (and hence different from the STA sample).



  • Any update on this seongbin? I can get R&D to measure this on our side if you provide me what NCS version you are using.



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