Error setting sampling frequency on lsm6dso - nrf52833

Hi all,

I am running the lsm6dso zephyr sample on my nrf52833 dev kit. I am unable to set the sampling frequency. I get this error after flashing:

This is my overlay file:

My SDK version is 2.7 and I am on Zephyr 3.6.99

My debugger suggests that the issue could be from this case failing in i2c_nrfx_twim.c

However, the IMU address is listed at 7 bits long in the datasheet.

Does anyone have any suggestions?

Parents Reply
  • Hi Regina,


    It is very strange that the sensor ACKs twice, then NAKs on the read-out of WHOAMI register.

    Have you checked with the vendor to hear if this might be an issue with the overall setup of the sensor on the module that you have? I see that it is i2c/i3c/SPI capable, it might be that this behaviour is a side-effect of a floating pin on the selection of the transport for instance?


    Kind regards,

