I am just starting out. Trying to figure out how to interact with the board and my tool chain. I'm not sure how to flash a merged.hex file I made (serial_lte_modem) into the nrf9151dk.
Under WSL Linux I was unable to make the nrf9151dk_nrf9151 but the nrf9151dk_nrf9151_ns was successful using the west build command. Now that I have all the *.hex files in /zephyr/ is there a good way to flash th e board so I can get a functioning unit again. Originally I was able to use "nrf connect for desktop-Terminal" under windows to get a terminal and use AT commands and see networks etc. But now that is all gone since I did a factory reset/recover board I guess and it has some other code. I was expecting a factory reset /Recover board (This seemed to work under VScode NRF Extension) to put the same code that the unit shipped with. I was able to build the serial_lte_modem (ns) app. Is this what I originally had in my board when I got it?