nRF52832 DK sleep mode current consumption too high

NCS v2.8.0

nRF52832 DK & nRF52840 DK

peripheral_uart unmodified example

nRF52832 DK with peripheral_uart example has about 1.3 mA current when LED off and sleep mode, but nRF52840 DK with peripheral_uart example just about 600 uA.

How to reduce the nRF52832 DK current consumption to approach the "Online Power Profiler for BLE" value on the web.

  • Hi

    1. The DKs should also be powered through the USB connector J2 so that the external supply only needs to power the SoC. Make sure the DK is connected to a power source and is turned on and then you can supply the SoC through the P22 header. 

    3. The UART peripheral will consume some power, but when the device is not required to be connected to a device over NUS, you can disable the radio and UART peripheral and go into a low power state. What current consumption are you aiming at exactly? There is no way to stay I.E. in single digit µA territory while also maintaining a BLE connection for example.

    Best regards,


  • Hi,

    1) Do you mean connect USB J2 and External supply P21 at the same time for current measurement? In this connection will has two power supply? I just connect P21 to power monitor for current measurement before.

    2) To use the unmodified peripheral_uart sample, keep 

    there is a pulse about 0.9ms interval and peak current value about 3.5mA, which code cause this current period?
    If this 3.5mA current can be reduced, the current consumption improves a lot.
    The ideal goal is approached the "Online Power Profiler for Bluetooth LE" value.
  • Hi,

    1) Do you mean connect USB J2 and External supply P21 at the same time for current measurement? In this connection will has two power supply? I just connect P21 to power monitor for current measurement before.

    2) To use the unmodified peripheral_uart sample, keep 

    there is a pulse about 0.9ms interval and peak current value about 3.5mA, which code cause this current period?
    If this 3.5mA current can be reduced, the current consumption improves a lot.
    The ideal goal is approached the "Online Power Profiler for Bluetooth LE" value.
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