Assert fires when disconnecting while data is transmitted via L2CAP

I have a nRF5340 using nrf connect v3.7.99-nc1 that is in a peripheral role. I establish a l2cap connection to the peripheral, to request a larger amount of data. That works quite ok until I close that connection from the receiving side while still some l2cap SDUs are on the flight. An asserts fires from within a thread (id 12) that I did not spawned:

(gdb) info thread
  Id   Target Id                                      Frame 
  2    Thread 536977456 (main PENDING PRIO 0)         __set_BASEPRI (basePri=0)
    at /Users/todi/bloomlife/zephyr-workspace/modules/hal/cmsis/CMSIS/Core/Include/cmsis_gcc.h:1316
  3    Thread 536977640 (idle UNKNOWN PRIO 15)        __ISB () at /Users/todi/bloomlife/zephyr-workspace/modules/hal/cmsis/CMSIS/Core/Include/cmsis_gcc.h:261
  4    Thread 536974176 (logging PENDING PRIO 14)     __set_BASEPRI (basePri=0)
    at /Users/todi/bloomlife/zephyr-workspace/modules/hal/cmsis/CMSIS/Core/Include/cmsis_gcc.h:1316
  5    Thread 536974360 (usbworkq PENDING PRIO 255)   __ISB () at /Users/todi/bloomlife/zephyr-workspace/modules/hal/cmsis/CMSIS/Core/Include/cmsis_gcc.h:260
  6    Thread 536977824 (sysworkq QUEUED PRIO 255)    __ISB () at /Users/todi/bloomlife/zephyr-workspace/modules/hal/cmsis/CMSIS/Core/Include/cmsis_gcc.h:260
  7    Thread 536974576 (BT LW WQ PENDING PRIO 10)    __ISB () at /Users/todi/bloomlife/zephyr-workspace/modules/hal/cmsis/CMSIS/Core/Include/cmsis_gcc.h:260
  8    Thread 536977192 (usbd_workq PENDING PRIO 255) __ISB () at /Users/todi/bloomlife/zephyr-workspace/modules/hal/cmsis/CMSIS/Core/Include/cmsis_gcc.h:260
  9    Thread 536976856 (rx_q[0] PENDING PRIO 255)    __ISB () at /Users/todi/bloomlife/zephyr-workspace/modules/hal/cmsis/CMSIS/Core/Include/cmsis_gcc.h:260
  10   Thread 536974792 (BT RX WQ PENDING PRIO 248)   __set_BASEPRI (basePri=0)
    at /Users/todi/bloomlife/zephyr-workspace/modules/hal/cmsis/CMSIS/Core/Include/cmsis_gcc.h:1316
  11   Thread 536908344 (mbox_wq #0 QUEUED PRIO 0)    __set_BASEPRI (basePri=0)
    at /Users/todi/bloomlife/zephyr-workspace/modules/hal/cmsis/CMSIS/Core/Include/cmsis_gcc.h:1316
* 12   Remote target                                  0x0009c604 in arch_system_halt (reason=4) at /Users/todi/bloomlife/zephyr-workspace/zephyr/kernel/fatal.c:30

The assert message is:  `ASSERTION FAIL [net_buf_simple_headroom(buf) >= len] @ WEST_TOPDIR/zephyr/lib/net_buf/buf_simple.c:341`

The call stack is as follows:

Thread 12 received signal SIGTRAP, Trace/breakpoint trap.
[Switching to Remote target]
0x0009c604 in arch_system_halt (reason=4) at /Users/todi/bloomlife/zephyr-workspace/zephyr/kernel/fatal.c:30
30		for (;;) {
(gdb) bt
#0  0x0009c604 in arch_system_halt (reason=4) at /Users/todi/bloomlife/zephyr-workspace/zephyr/kernel/fatal.c:30
#1  0x000653c8 in k_sys_fatal_error_handler (reason=4, esf=0x20035608 <sys_work_q_stack+3344>) at /Users/todi/bloomlife/zephyr-workspace/zephyr/kernel/fatal.c:44
#2  0x000655c2 in z_fatal_error (reason=4, esf=0x20035608 <sys_work_q_stack+3344>) at /Users/todi/bloomlife/zephyr-workspace/zephyr/kernel/fatal.c:119
#3  0x00022ad0 in z_arm_fatal_error (reason=4, esf=0x20035608 <sys_work_q_stack+3344>) at /Users/todi/bloomlife/zephyr-workspace/zephyr/arch/arm/core/fatal.c:86
#4  0x00084580 in z_do_kernel_oops (esf=0x20035608 <sys_work_q_stack+3344>, callee_regs=0x2)
    at /Users/todi/bloomlife/zephyr-workspace/zephyr/arch/arm/core/fatal.c:131
#5  0x00023dae in _oops () at /Users/todi/bloomlife/zephyr-workspace/zephyr/arch/arm/core/cortex_m/swap_helper.S:318
#6  <signal handler called>
#7  assert_post_action (file=0xa34e4 "WEST_TOPDIR/zephyr/lib/net_buf/buf_simple.c", line=341) at /Users/todi/bloomlife/zephyr-workspace/zephyr/lib/os/assert.c:44
#8  0x0002574c in net_buf_simple_push (buf=0x20036904 <drivers::details::_net_buf_mqtt_sn_messages_over_l2cap+12>, len=4)
    at /Users/todi/bloomlife/zephyr-workspace/zephyr/lib/net_buf/buf_simple.c:341
#9  0x00088fa8 in net_buf_push (buf=0x200368f8 <drivers::details::_net_buf_mqtt_sn_messages_over_l2cap>, len=4)
    at /Users/todi/bloomlife/zephyr-workspace/zephyr/include/zephyr/net_buf.h:2058
#10 0x0003355a in l2cap_data_pull (conn=0x200197d8 <acl_conns>, amount=4294967295, length=0x2003577c <sys_work_q_stack+3716>)
    at /Users/todi/bloomlife/zephyr-workspace/zephyr/subsys/bluetooth/host/l2cap.c:946
#11 0x00030790 in bt_conn_tx_processor () at /Users/todi/bloomlife/zephyr-workspace/zephyr/subsys/bluetooth/host/conn.c:1062
#12 0x0002c448 in tx_processor (item=0x20002a10 <tx_work>) at /Users/todi/bloomlife/zephyr-workspace/zephyr/subsys/bluetooth/host/hci_core.c:4743
#13 0x00067d14 in work_queue_main (workq_ptr=0x2001a1a0 <k_sys_work_q>, p2=0x0, p3=0x0) at /Users/todi/bloomlife/zephyr-workspace/zephyr/kernel/work.c:688
#14 0x0007e910 in z_thread_entry (entry=0x67b91 <work_queue_main>, p1=0x2001a1a0 <k_sys_work_q>, p2=0x0, p3=0x0)
    at /Users/todi/bloomlife/zephyr-workspace/zephyr/lib/os/thread_entry.c:48
#15 0xfffffffe in ?? ()

When inspecting the buffer that caused the assert, it turns out, that `len` and `size` have values that I would expect, while `data` and `__buf` are set to 0!:

#8  0x0002574c in net_buf_simple_push (buf=0x20036904 <drivers::details::_net_buf_mqtt_sn_messages_over_l2cap+12>, len=4)
    at /Users/todi/bloomlife/zephyr-workspace/zephyr/lib/net_buf/buf_simple.c:341
341		__ASSERT_NO_MSG(net_buf_simple_headroom(buf) >= len);
(gdb) p/x *buf
$1 = {data = 0x0, len = 0x49a, size = 0x1028, __buf = 0x0}

Could it be, that there is a bug in the l2cap layer for this corner case? I see no way to prevent that on my side. I there a unit test, that would cover this situation?

best regards


Parents Reply Children
  • This bug-fix might fix the problem:

    --- a/subsys/bluetooth/host/l2cap.c
    +++ b/subsys/bluetooth/host/l2cap.c
    @@ -959,8 +959,9 @@ struct net_buf *l2cap_data_pull(struct bt_conn *conn,
             * static channels don't have the concept of L2CAP segments.
            bool last_seg = lechan->_pdu_remaining == pdu->len;
    +       bool sdu_end = ( last_frag && last_seg ) || conn->state != BT_CONN_CONNECTED;
    -       if (last_frag && last_seg) {
    +       if (sdu_end) {
                    LOG_DBG("last frag of last seg, dequeuing %p", pdu);
                    __maybe_unused struct net_buf *b = k_fifo_get(&lechan->tx_queue, K_NO_WAIT);
    @@ -968,7 +969,6 @@ struct net_buf *l2cap_data_pull(struct bt_conn *conn,
            if (last_frag && L2CAP_LE_CID_IS_DYN(lechan->tx.cid)) {
    -               bool sdu_end = last_frag && last_seg;
                    LOG_DBG("adding %s callback", sdu_end ? "`sdu_sent`" : "NULL");
                    /* No user callbacks for SDUs */
