Hello Nordic Team,
I am working on a LE Audio project on NCS v2.9.0. My development board is nrf5340-dk. I am using unicast client example and I am trying to use it with my earbuds. I am using Samsung Galaxy Buds 2 Pro. Strangely, it is not able to remember pair information. So, I made some changes inside project to forget boding information after disconnect or reset condition. Without these additions, it is impossible to test it.
My problem is this, without CONFIG_STREAM_BIDIRECTIONAL enabled, it is working expected. I am able to get usb audio data to my earbuds. This is the logs about discovering process.
However, if I enabled CONFIG_STREAM_BIDIRECTIONAL flag, I am not able to send or receive any audio data with my earbuds. Strangely, the code stays like this below and I feel there is a problem while discovering earbuds.
Is this possible to use bidirectional audio over usb? Or, I am trying something impossible.