I want to use the timer in counter mode (gpio event shortcut to count task). Do you have any number of current consumption? The plan is to have a 64Hz signal but it could also be faster.
I want to use the timer in counter mode (gpio event shortcut to count task). Do you have any number of current consumption? The plan is to have a 64Hz signal but it could also be faster.
I'm not sure I understand what you're saying here exactly. What measurements exactly have you done to get these numbers? When measuring on the nRF5340, have you made sure the core not in use is in a low power state(if you only use I.E. the NET core the APP core should be flashed with "empty_app_core" firmware)?
Best regards,
I've changed my application to no longer use the timer module but the rtc to workaround the high currant usage. It seams dppi connected to a timer is not really usable for my initial concept of counting external events...
I've changed my application to no longer use the timer module but the rtc to workaround the high currant usage. It seams dppi connected to a timer is not really usable for my initial concept of counting external events...