Accurate distance measurement on nRF54L15

We need to measure short distances with precision, aiming to detect whether a door should open or not using a kind of smart key.

Our mission is to implement a solution using the latest Nordic nRF54L15, but we have time constraints—approximately 3 months for the prototype.

We have tested the examples channel_sounding_ras_reflector and channel_sounding_ras_initiator on two nRF54L15-DK 0.9.1 boards, and for our application, they are, first, too slow, and second, not precise and sensitive to interference and obstacles. This does not align with the advertised capabilities of the channel sounding technology. We understand it is still in the experimental phase, so we might implement it in the future, but in the meantime, we need to measure distances with the nRF54L15. Unfortunately, we have encountered a major issue: the Nordic Distance Measurement Library is not available for the nRF54.

Could you compile the Nordic Distance Measurement Library for the nRF54?

Thank you very much.
