I have a problem trying to connect Direct Test Mode desktop app to my custom board running Zephyr on nRF52833.
My firmware sample is based on hci_uart https://github.com/zephyrproject-rtos/zephyr/blob/main/samples/bluetooth/hci_uart/src/main.c
I am using H4:HCI commands. The BT controller can be controlled by directly sending the binary HCI commands from terminal per USB ACM.
I have also verified reaction to reset command and tx command using hci-max-ble Python library: https://github.com/Analog-Devices-MSDK/MAX-BLE-HCI
The problem is that the desktop app seems to use 2-wire UART commands instead of HCI, as described here:
Currently I am not able to start a test as it says: "Cannot communicate with the device". The signal 0x00 arrives at my driver, but expects 0x01 followed by the HCI command.
Example: 0x00 for reset command instead of 0x01030C00
Is there a way to configure the app so that it sends HCI commands? If not, is there some library for parsing these?
I want to use the app since it has a nice and easy GUI and my colleagues are familiar with it.
Thank you in advance for your support!