nrfjprog, error while flashing modem


I am wondering if what I am seeing is expected.
I tried flashing the modem fw on the nrf9151 using nrfjprog.exe (v10.24.2);
which I am able to do successfully, but I see errors in the process (see below).

I am wondering about why do I get this error with the ap-protection?

nrfjprog.exe -f nrf91 --coprocessor CP_MODEM --program --verify --pinreset

[error] [ Client] - Encountered error -90: Command read_memory_descriptors executed for 14 milliseconds with result -90
[error] [ Worker] - Can't read memory descriptors, ap-protection is enabled.
[ #################### ]   0.000s | Finding image components - Finished
[ #################### ]   0.046s | Upload segments - segment 2 of 2
[ #################### ]  31.519s | Uploading modem image - segment 2 of 2
[ #################### ]   0.000s | Finding image components - Finished
[ #################### ]   0.278s | Verify modem image - Modem ready for verification
[ #################### ]   0.208s | Verify segment 0x00038000-0x00231FFF - Successfully verified
[ #################### ]   0.265s | Verifying modem - Verifying memory range 3 of 3
[ #################### ]   0.250s | Verify segment 0x0027C000-0x0027FFFF - Successfully verified
Applying pin reset.



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