Device crashing when i nrun wifi fundamentals lesson5 excercise 2

i am working with the nrf7002+nrf5340 ns 
when i run the excercise solution and press the button a couple of times, i get this error

*** Booting nRF Connect SDK v3.5.99-ncs1-1 ***
[00:00:01.564,910] <inf> Lesson5_Exercise2: Waiting to connect to Wi-Fi
uart:~$ wifi_cred auto_connect
uart:~$ wifi_cred add "Watts" WPA2-PSK "WattsWiFi123@"
uart:~$ wifi_cred auto_connect
[00:00:56.828,765] <inf> wifi_mgmt_ext: Connection requested
[00:01:01.064,361] <inf> Lesson5_Exercise2: Network connected
[00:01:01.120,880] <inf> Lesson5_Exercise2: IPv4 address of HTTP server found
[00:01:01.745,605] <inf> Lesson5_Exercise2: Connected to server
[00:01:01.745,635] <inf> Lesson5_Exercise2: HTTP POST request
[00:01:04.104,553] <inf> Lesson5_Exercise2: Response status: Created
[00:01:04.104,614] <inf> Lesson5_Exercise2: Successfully acquired client ID: /b7ae47e0-c7f9-414f-9f7b-9bbda6eddc44
[00:01:04.104,614] <inf> Lesson5_Exercise2: Closing socket: 9
[00:01:08.636,566] <inf> Lesson5_Exercise2: Connected to server
[00:01:08.636,657] <inf> Lesson5_Exercise2: HTTP PUT request: 0
[00:01:09.624,542] <inf> Lesson5_Exercise2: Response status: Accepted
[00:01:09.624,542] <inf> Lesson5_Exercise2: Closing socket: 9
[00:01:11.872,558] <inf> Lesson5_Exercise2: Connected to server
[00:01:11.872,589] <inf> Lesson5_Exercise2: HTTP GET request
[00:01:11.968,139] <err> os: ***** SECURE FAULT *****
[00:01:11.968,139] <err> os: Invalid entry point
[00:01:11.968,170] <err> os: r0/a1: 0x2006da5c r1/a2: 0xe000ed00 r2/a3: 0x2006da5c
[00:01:11.968,200] <err> os: r3/a4: 0x00000000 r12/ip: 0x00000000 r14/lr: 0x0008172d
[00:01:11.968,200] <err> os: xpsr: 0x60000000
[00:01:11.968,200] <err> os: Faulting instruction address (r15/pc): 0x00000000
[00:01:11.968,261] <err> os: >>> ZEPHYR FATAL ERROR 38: Unknown error on CPU 0
[00:01:11.968,292] <err> os: Current thread: 0x2001aba8 (tcp_work)
[00:01:12.065,460] <err> fatal_error: Resetting system

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