NRF connect For Desktop Programmer program Fail


NRF connect For Desktop Programmer program Fail.

So I used command Tool (nrfjprog). command Tool worked.


 - nRF Connect For Destop v5.1.0

 - Programmer v.4.5.0

 - Jlink V8.12c

 - Board : 52833 DK


10:57:32.730 Update files regions according to Application core
10:57:32.730 Parse memory regions for file
10:57:39.756 Recovering Application core
10:57:39.756 Recovering Application core 0%
10:57:40.955 Recovering Application core 100%
10:57:40.956 Recovering Application core completed
10:57:40.958 Writing HEX to Application core
10:57:41.092 Failed "writing hex to application core". Error: code: 1, description: Generic, message: Batch task program failed, [jlink] ��� ��Ƽ����Ʈ �ڵ��������� �����ڵ� ������ ������ �����ϴ�.

Is Any Way to Solved?

Thank you.

ps) I also Used to ppk2.

On Power Profiler(v4.0.0), also program Fail


11:00:58.610 Getting serialport options from persistent store DXXXXXXXXX.pc-nrfconnect-ppk
11:01:00.891 Failed to write to the target device: Failed with exit code 1. One or more program tasks failed. Message: Failed, [sdfu] ��� ��Ƽ����Ʈ �ڵ��������� �����ڵ� ������ ������ �����ϴ�.
11:01:00.892 Error while setting up device DXXXXXXXXXXX
11:01:00.892 Error: Failed with exit code 1. One or more program tasks failed. Message: Failed, [sdfu] ��� ��Ƽ����Ʈ �ڵ��������� �����ڵ� ������ ������ �����ϴ�.
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