I develope the nrf52810 based product I need work BLE Communication with Bonding connect multiple nrf52810 device connect to the nrf52832 Using Zephyr.
Praveen M
I develope the nrf52810 based product I need work BLE Communication with Bonding connect multiple nrf52810 device connect to the nrf52832 Using Zephyr.
Praveen M
Hi Praveen
Are you developing application code for the nRF52832 or the nRF52810 in this scenario? We have multiple BLE projects available in the nRF Connect SDK sample that you can use as a starting point for developing something like this.
The central and peripheral HRS sample should be a good starting point here I think: https://docs.nordicsemi.com/bundle/ncs-latest/page/nrf/samples/bluetooth/central_and_peripheral_hr/README.html
Best regards,
Hai Simon,
Thank for Reply
Actually I completed peripheral side Pairing to mobile application but i need pairing for nrf to nrf. Now I need support for Central side.
Praveen M
Hai Simon,
Thank for Reply
Actually I completed peripheral side Pairing to mobile application but i need pairing for nrf to nrf. Now I need support for Central side.
Praveen M