the lengths of the this track is important?
if i decrease this length, how i can set antenna parameters?
another question: what is the R1 =0 ohm resistor and N.C capacitors ? why we put it?
the lengths of the this track is important?
if i decrease this length, how i can set antenna parameters?
another question: what is the R1 =0 ohm resistor and N.C capacitors ? why we put it?
Length of the rack is not important as long as it is impedance matched.
if i decrease this length, how i can set antenna parameters?
No problem reducing the length.
another question: what is the R1 =0 ohm resistor and N.C capacitors ? why we put it?
the N.C component is there just in case some extra tuning components are needed. It can be removed from most designes if the matching is sufficient.
Some extra info here:https://devzone.nordicsemi.com/guides/hardware-design-test-and-measuring/b/nrf5x/posts/general-pcb-design-guidelines-for-nrf52-series
Also here is a video with one of our engineers taking about PCB design: PCB Antenna - How To Design, Measure And Tune
If you are making a design with nordic components feel free to ask for a review and we will provide feedback on the design.
Just create a new ticket and call it HW review and add the schematic and layout files, in PDF, Altium, GERBER and we will have a look.
You ticket will be review and updated when review is done.
thank you
when the review will be finished?
You can expect an update within the week.