I've got a custom board that uses an nRF52832. Firmware was built with NCS v2.6.1.
My hardware uses a MIC826 IC for ensuring the nRF52 is held in reset whenever the power supply is not within spec. This also has the option for a manual reset, which I've implemented with a push button.
I'm running asynchronous UART comms in my firmware in its own thread. This allows me to send config commands to the nRF52, and for it to report status.
When I first power up my board, I can see the VDD level come up to spec, then about 200msec later, the MIC826 will set the reset pin high and the nRF52 will start running. But if I try and send UART commands to it, it doesn't respond. I've confirmed that there are UART signals on the RXD pin of my nRF52.
If I subsequently press my reset button, and the nRF52 boots up after a reset, it will respond to my incoming UART signals as expected.
I've checked the RESETREAS register under both conditions, and it returns the same value for both scenarios, which is what I would expect, as both scenarios are a RESET pin reset.
The rest of the firmware functionality appears to be working as expected after the power cycle, so I can't work out why the UART RXD functionality isn't also. Nor why it suddenly does if I reset the nRF52 via the reset button.
Can anyone help me with a solution?