I'm struggling to get a peripheral device to work with two simultaneous connections. I have attached my configuration (for the application) and my connect/disconnect callbacks, with the advertizing data.
- I'm advertizingwith BT_LE_ADV_OPT_CONNECTABLE and not with ONE_TIME flag. I understand this should keep adv running until I manually stop it. This is my desired behaviour. Upon the first connection to the device, however, I already get a warning from bt_hci_core <wrn> bt_hci_core: opcode 0x200a status 0x0d. Where 0x0d means CONNECTION REJECTED DUE TO LIMITED RESOURCES. Note that this is different from CONNECTION LIMIT EXCEEDED (0x09) that I read in other posts. I have the feeling that the controller is still somehow allocating only resources for one single peripheral, despite the BT_MA_CONN=2 configuration.
I read in some posts about the CONFIG_BT_CTLR_SDC_PERIPHERAL_COUNT config, which seems to address this, however this should be relevant only in the case where the device is also acting as Central device. I cannot select this config in my application. However, if I check the compiled .config in the hci_ipc application, indeed there I find this configured to 1 and with BT_CENTRAL enabled. I'm now confused on what I should do to get my application running. I don't think I'm expected to modify the hci_ipc sample manually - On a different note, I'm also confused on the purpose of bt_conn_ref() and bt_conn_unref(). They are not always present in the ble samples, and I'm not sure I understand what they are used for (the examples seem to work without them).
Many thanks for the help!
static void connected(struct bt_conn *conn, uint8_t code){ if(code){ LOG_ERR("Connection failed (code 0x%0x2)", code); // bt_conn_unref(conn); return; } conn_count++; bt_conn_ref(conn); __ASSERT(conn_count < CONFIG_BT_MAX_CONN, "Conn counting error"); LOG_INF("Connected to Client (code 0x%0x2)", code); if(conn_count >= CONFIG_BT_MAX_CONN){ int err = stop_advertising(); if(err){ LOG_ERR("Advertising failed to start (err %d)", err); } } post_event_async(BLE_EVT_CONNECTED); } static void disconnected(struct bt_conn *conn, uint8_t code){ LOG_INF("Disconnected from Client (code 0x%0x2)", code); bt_conn_unref(conn); conn_count--; __ASSERT(conn_count <= CONFIG_BT_MAX_CONN, "Conn counting error"); int err = start_advertising(); if(err){ LOG_ERR("Advertising failed to start (err %d)", err); } post_event_async(BLE_EVT_DISCONNECTED); } BT_CONN_CB_DEFINE(conn_callbacks) = { .connected = connected, .disconnected = disconnected, }; static int start_advertising(void){ struct bt_data ad[] = { BT_DATA_BYTES(BT_DATA_FLAGS, (BT_LE_AD_GENERAL | BT_LE_AD_NO_BREDR)), BT_DATA_BYTES(BT_DATA_NAME_SHORTENED, CONFIG_BT_DEVICE_NAME), }; return bt_le_adv_start( BT_LE_ADV_PARAM(BT_LE_ADV_OPT_CONNECTABLE, BT_GAP_ADV_FAST_INT_MIN_2, BT_GAP_ADV_FAST_INT_MAX_2, NULL), // undirected adv ad, ARRAY_SIZE(ad), NULL, 0); }
PS: I'm using NCS 2.7.0 on nrf5340