thingy:53 I have damage to the sw2 pin and I am unable to enter the DFU


I have thingy:53 and I have damage to the sw2 pin and I am unable to enter the DFU. I lost two tiny pieces that go just above the one in the photo and not even using a needle, it seems to me that the button (which was not working before) now doesn't work anymore

My question is: What would be another way in the circuit to put sw2 under pressure (while I throw sw1 to ON) other than pressing this "button"

I stay trying this:  (USB-C Mode)

Note01: I still have the two tiny pieces that came off the top of the sw2, but I don't know how to solder them back and I don't even know if that would solve the problem.

Parents Reply Children
  • Hello,
    It seems like you've had your attempt at replacing the button, but if the device isn't going into bootloader mode it could be that the bootload is lost or damaged as well as part of all of this. I'd encourage you to find a programmer and connect it to the thingy53 and reprogram the bootload if that's the preferred way to interact with it or use the Segger programmer to just program it all in all.
    Best regards

    As you can see in the video above, I have some news.

    I followed this video and made the blink led(using JLink Mini Edu):

    Next, I changed PC, removed the JLink mini edu connections and connected the USB cable (without even pressing sw2) and thingy53 finally appeared on that screen (nrf connect for desktop -> Programmer) 

    Then I uploaded and wrote the led app) and the rest is in the video I posted at the beginning of this answer.

    The questions that remain are:

    1) What if I had bought the thingy53 today and didn't have the JLink Mini Edu?

    2) Why didn't I have to press sw2 when I changed sw1 from off to on?


    I need to rectify this post above (as per photo below) since I had to press sw2 to burn the firmware (Phew! I entered Bootloader mode) on the nordic thingy53 for edge impulse and now I have a new problem (both using USB-C and using JLing Mini Edu) the firmware for thingy53 for edge impulse is outdated for zephyr 3.7.99)

    Configuration saved to 'C:/Users/neube/Downloads/NORDIC/firmware-nordic-thingy53-main/build/b0n/zephyr/.config' Kconfig header saved to 'C:/Users/neube/Downloads/NORDIC/firmware-nordic-thingy53-main/build/b0n/zephyr/include/generated/zephyr/autoconf.h' -- Found GnuLd: c:/ncs/toolchains/b620d30767/opt/zephyr-sdk/arm-zephyr-eabi/arm-zephyr-eabi/bin/ld.bfd.exe (found version "2.38") -- The C compiler identification is GNU 12.2.0 -- The CXX compiler identification is GNU 12.2.0 -- The ASM compiler identification is GNU -- Found assembler: C:/ncs/toolchains/b620d30767/opt/zephyr-sdk/arm-zephyr-eabi/bin/arm-zephyr-eabi-gcc.exe -- Setting build type to 'MinSizeRel' as none was specified. CMake Warning at C:/ncs/v2.8.0/zephyr/CMakeLists.txt:2134 (message): __ASSERT() statements are globally ENABLED -- Configuring done -- Generating done -- Build files have been written to: C:/Users/neube/Downloads/NORDIC/firmware-nordic-thingy53-main/build/b0n -- *************************************************** * Running CMake for firmware-nordic-thingy53-main * *************************************************** Loading Zephyr default modules (Zephyr base). -- Application: C:/Users/neube/Downloads/NORDIC/firmware-nordic-thingy53-main -- CMake version: 3.21.0 -- Found Python3: C:/ncs/toolchains/b620d30767/opt/bin/python.exe (found suitable version "3.12.4", minimum required is "3.8") found components: Interpreter -- Cache files will be written to: C:/ncs/v2.8.0/zephyr/.cache -- Zephyr version: 3.7.99 (C:/ncs/v2.8.0/zephyr) -- Found west (found suitable version "1.2.0", minimum required is "0.14.0") -- Board: thingy53, qualifiers: nrf5340/cpuapp -- Found host-tools: zephyr 0.17.0 (C:/ncs/toolchains/b620d30767/opt/zephyr-sdk) -- Found toolchain: zephyr 0.17.0 (C:/ncs/toolchains/b620d30767/opt/zephyr-sdk) -- Found Dtc: C:/ncs/toolchains/b620d30767/opt/bin/dtc.exe (found suitable version "1.4.7", minimum required is "1.4.6") -- Found BOARD.dts: C:/ncs/v2.8.0/zephyr/boards/nordic/thingy53/thingy53_nrf5340_cpuapp.dts -- Found devicetree overlay: C:/Users/neube/Downloads/NORDIC/firmware-nordic-thingy53-main/boards/thingy53_nrf5340_cpuapp.overlay 'label' is marked as deprecated in 'properties:' in C:/Users/neube/Downloads/NORDIC/firmware-nordic-thingy53-main/drivers/vm3011/dts/bindings\vesper,vm3011.yaml for node /soc/peripheral@50000000/i2c@9000/vm3011@60. 'label' is marked as deprecated in 'properties:' in C:/ncs/v2.8.0/zephyr/dts/bindings\serial\zephyr,cdc-acm-uart.yaml for node /soc/peripheral@50000000/usbd@36000/cdc_acm_uart0. node '/soc/peripheral@50000000/i2c@9000/vm3011@60' compatible 'vesper,vm3011' has unknown vendor prefix 'vesper' -- Generated zephyr.dts: C:/Users/neube/Downloads/NORDIC/firmware-nordic-thingy53-main/build/firmware-nordic-thingy53-main/zephyr/zephyr.dts -- Generated devicetree_generated.h: C:/Users/neube/Downloads/NORDIC/firmware-nordic-thingy53-main/build/firmware-nordic-thingy53-main/zephyr/include/generated/zephyr/devicetree_generated.h -- Including generated dts.cmake file: C:/Users/neube/Downloads/NORDIC/firmware-nordic-thingy53-main/build/firmware-nordic-thingy53-main/zephyr/dts.cmake Parsing C:/Users/neube/Downloads/NORDIC/firmware-nordic-thingy53-main/Kconfig Loaded configuration 'C:/ncs/v2.8.0/zephyr/boards/nordic/thingy53/thingy53_nrf5340_cpuapp_defconfig' Merged configuration 'C:/Users/neube/Downloads/NORDIC/firmware-nordic-thingy53-main/prj.conf' Merged configuration 'C:/Users/neube/Downloads/NORDIC/firmware-nordic-thingy53-main/boards/thingy53_nrf5340_cpuapp.conf' Merged configuration 'C:/Users/neube/Downloads/NORDIC/firmware-nordic-thingy53-main/build/firmware-nordic-thingy53-main/zephyr/.config.sysbuild' error: NRFX_PDM (defined at C:/ncs/v2.8.0/zephyr/modules/hal_nordic\nrfx/Kconfig:168, modules\hal_nordic\nrfx/Kconfig:168) is assigned in a configuration file, but is not directly user- configurable (has no prompt). It gets its value indirectly from other symbols. See and/or look up NRFX_PDM in the menuconfig/guiconfig interface. The Application Development Primer, Setting Configuration Values, and Kconfig - Tips and Best Practices sections of the manual might be helpful too. CMake Error at C:/ncs/v2.8.0/zephyr/cmake/modules/kconfig.cmake:396 (message): command failed with return code: 1 Call Stack (most recent call first): C:/ncs/v2.8.0/nrf/cmake/modules/kconfig.cmake:29 (include) C:/ncs/v2.8.0/zephyr/cmake/modules/zephyr_default.cmake:133 (include) C:/ncs/v2.8.0/zephyr/share/zephyr-package/cmake/ZephyrConfig.cmake:66 (include) C:/ncs/v2.8.0/zephyr/share/zephyr-package/cmake/ZephyrConfig.cmake:92 (include_boilerplate) CMakeLists.txt:50 (find_package) -- Configuring incomplete, errors occurred! CMake Error at cmake/modules/sysbuild_extensions.cmake:514 (message): CMake configure failed for Zephyr project: firmware-nordic-thingy53-main Location: C:/Users/neube/Downloads/NORDIC/firmware-nordic-thingy53-main Call Stack (most recent call first): cmake/modules/sysbuild_images.cmake:20 (ExternalZephyrProject_Cmake) cmake/modules/sysbuild_default.cmake:20 (include) C:/ncs/v2.8.0/zephyr/share/zephyr-package/cmake/ZephyrConfig.cmake:75 (include) C:/ncs/v2.8.0/zephyr/share/zephyr-package/cmake/ZephyrConfig.cmake:92 (include_boilerplate) C:/ncs/v2.8.0/zephyr/share/sysbuild-package/cmake/SysbuildConfig.cmake:8 (include) template/CMakeLists.txt:10 (find_package) -- Configuring incomplete, errors occurred! See also "C:/Users/neube/Downloads/NORDIC/firmware-nordic-thingy53-main/build/CMakeFiles/CMakeOutput.log". FATAL ERROR: command exited with status 1: 'C:\ncs\toolchains\b620d30767\opt\bin\cmake.EXE' -DWEST_PYTHON=C:/ncs/toolchains/b620d30767/opt/bin/python.exe '-Bc:\Users\neube\Downloads\NORDIC\firmware-nordic-thingy53-main\build' -GNinja -DBOARD=thingy53/nrf5340/cpuapp -DNCS_TOOLCHAIN_VERSION=NONE '-DBOARD_ROOT=c:/workspace/blinky;c:/users/neube/downloads/nordic/firmware-nordic-thingy53-main' '-SC:\ncs\v2.8.0\zephyr\share\sysbuild' '-DAPP_DIR:PATH=c:\Users\neube\Downloads\NORDIC\firmware-nordic-thingy53-main' * The terminal process terminated with exit code: 1. * Terminal will be reused by tasks, press any key to close it.


  •  Please, don't you have anything else to say about this specific topic?

  • Hello,
    Q1: If you didn't have the Jlink Mini you could have ended up needing to get one to get back on track. The bootload in nRF53 Thingy should have been working and made it recoverable, but it's not safe from errors. We do see others that are using the Thingy variant make good use of it, but often end up getting an external debugger if they don't have another nordic DK, just because the added value of having debugging capabilities. Thingy gives you lots of features, but if you get into the corner where you did, you get stuck unless you have another programming solution.
    Q2: I'm not sure what changed in between here, but it looks like the trigger for the bootloader was changed as well in the FW or the modifications you've done to the thingy board makes the button seems to be pushed all the time? Not really clear to me either what has happened, but one or both of these would be my suspects.
    Edge impulse FW, I'm not sure I understand you here, your compilation of the code in the NCS 2.8.0 fails with the nRF53Thingy as build configuration? Did you update the NCS version you use compared to previous attempts?
    Best regards
  • 2) Why didn't I have to press sw2 when I changed sw1 from off to on?

    This has been resolved and now I can do the procedure. Press sw2 and put sw1 in the ON position and I have the thingy53 in bootloader mode. I think I put a picture of this up there.

    Regarding having the EDGE IMPULSE firmware with the latest available version of the zephyr on this computer (3.7.99) (I prepared the computer last week only for zephyr and thingy53) I get errors but I can upload the EDGE Impulse firmware in an old version (via docker) from this link: And I can use the nRF EDGE impulse app to register trainings:
