I need to read IMU data from LIS2DH12 of nrf 52833 which is in DWM3001CDK. But nothing I do initializes sensor... i always receive
<err> lis2dh: Failed to read chip id.
I tried everything on internet, almost every sample, every solution to similiar problem etc... nothing.. at this point im starting to think HW is at fault...
int err_code = 0; const nrfx_twim_config_t twi_config = { .scl_pin = 36, .sda_pin = 24, .frequency = NRF_TWIM_FREQ_100K, .interrupt_priority = 0, .hold_bus_uninit = false }; //err_code = nrfx_twim_init(&m_twi, &twi_config, NULL, NULL); nrfx_twim_enable(&m_twi); k_sleep(K_MSEC(10)); uint8_t who_am_i = 5; uint8_t who_am_i2 = 6; nrfx_twim_xfer_desc_t data = NRFX_TWIM_XFER_DESC(NRFX_TWIM_XFER_RX, 0x19, &who_am_i, 1, &who_am_i2, 1); err_code = nrfx_twim_xfer(&m_twi, &data, 0); k_sleep(K_MSEC(10)); LOG_ERR("IMU %d - %X - %X", err_code, who_am_i, who_am_i2); k_sleep(K_MSEC(10)); //const struct device *const sensor = DEVICE_DT_GET_ANY(DT_NODELABEL(lis2dh12)); const struct device *const sensor = DEVICE_DT_GET(DT_INST(0, st_lis2dh)); if (sensor == NULL) { printf("No device found\n"); return; } if (!device_is_ready(sensor)) { printf("Device %s is not ready\n", sensor->name); return; }
this is some code i tried to initialize or interface with device... it appears to me that I2C bus is alright and working but LIS2D itself is not working...
My configuration
&i2c0 { compatible = "nordic,nrf-twim"; status = "okay"; clock-frequency = <I2C_BITRATE_FAST>; pinctrl-0=<&i2c0_default>; pinctrl-1=<&i2c0_sleep>; pinctrl-names = "default", "sleep"; /* embedded LIS2DH accelerometer */ lis2dh12: lis2dh12@19 { compatible = "st,lis2dh12", "st,lis2dh"; status = "okay"; reg = <0x19>; irq-gpios = <&gpio0 16 0x0>; }; };
Is there anything else i should be doing ? From what I read for past few days there isnt... or atleast none of the samples did anything more