We designed and tested a firmware on the nRF52833-DK board, whith plenty of debug sessions and reprogramming.
Then it has been build for our custom board, based on the nRF52833 chip too, used as a peripheral for a modem host (SPI line).
Using our J-Link (SWD mode), I programmed succesfully 5 boards last week (nrfutil and nrf Programmer), but not tested the boards, I had to leave them few days. Especially one board as been labelled "nrf dev" proof that the programming were successfull.
Today, I tried all the boards the whole morning, impossible to reprogram the boards.
Our EMS also sent us back few samples or faulty boards with a similar behavior (after analysis).
nRFutil error is always :
PS C:\Users\xxx\Documents\PartageVM\PJ-Thintrack\thintrackBLE\thintrackble> & 'C:\Users\PascalDelrot\bin\nrfutil.exe' device program --serial-number 000260111492 --firmware .\build_thintrack\zephyr\zephyr.hex [00:00:00] ------ 0% [260111492] Failed, [Probe] Device error: Failed to write DebugPort register 2: Unknown Error in J-Link Error: One or more program tasks failed: * 260111492: [Probe] Device error: Failed to write DebugPort register 2: Unknown Error in J-Link DLL (error code =-1), code: Generic
I looked at these tickets : devzone.nordicsemi.com/.../unable-to-recover-nrf52832-after-debugging-session (mentionned here too devzone.nordicsemi.com/.../nrf9160dk-failed-to-write-debugport-register-2-unknown-error-in-j-link-dll), or (devzone.nordicsemi.com/.../1775) or devzone.nordicsemi.com/.../cannot-program-bmd-340-with-nrf52dk (no solution)
They did not help.
Here what I tried :
- wirings checks several times
- J-Link libraries update to 8.10f (the version expected by nrfutil)
- J-Link firmware version check (up to date)
- VDD disconnection => LOW_VOLTAGE detected, the VDD is correct (1.8V)
- reset pin control (high and low) before and during programming
- batch script requesting "recover" in loop, doing power on/off or reset pin toggling
It seems to me that I'll not be able to reprogram the devices once programmed a first time.
Question :
- any other tips ? or tricks ?
- why on the nRF52-DK I'm able to reprogram the devices dozen of times ? (in VSCode only the overlay files are different)
Thanks !
./nrfutil device recover --serial-number 000260111492 --log-level trace
=> C:\Users\xxx\.nrfutil\logs
[2025-02-05T09:54:26.838Z] [40364] TRACE - [ProbeLib] [2025-02-05 09:54:26.838049Z] {jlink_usb_000260111492} Retrieved JLink firmware string: J-Link V10 compiled Jan 30 2023 11:28:07 [2025-02-05T09:54:26.838Z] [40364] INFO - [ProbeLib] [2025-02-05 09:54:26.838064Z] {jlink_usb_000260111492} Emulator Usb(JLinkSerialNumber(260111492)) running firmware: J-Link V10 compiled Jan 30 2023 11:28:07 [2025-02-05T09:54:26.838Z] [40364] TRACE - [ProbeLib] [2025-02-05 09:54:26.838071Z] {jlink_usb_000260111492} <- connect [2025-02-05T09:54:26.838Z] [40364] DEBUG - [ProbeLib] [2025-02-05 09:54:26.838167Z] {jlink_usb_000260111492} Probe worker received message: Request(DeviceInformation) [2025-02-05T09:54:26.838Z] [40364] DEBUG - [ProbeLib] [2025-02-05 09:54:26.838683Z] {jlink_usb_000260111492} JLINKARM_HW_STATUS: JLINKARM_HW_STATUS { VTarget: 1802, tck: 0, tdi: 0, tdo: 0, tms: 0, tres: 1, trst: 0 } [2025-02-05T09:54:26.838Z] [40364] TRACE - [ProbeLib] [2025-02-05 09:54:26.838695Z] {jlink_usb_000260111492} CORESIGHT_Configure [2025-02-05T09:54:26.939Z] [40364] INFO - [ProbeLib] [2025-02-05 09:54:26.939530Z] {jlink_usb_000260111492} -> Powering up sys and debug region [2025-02-05T09:54:26.939Z] [40364] TRACE - [ProbeLib] [2025-02-05 09:54:26.939567Z] {jlink_usb_000260111492} -> write_dp_unchecked [2025-02-05T09:54:26.940Z] [40364] WARN - [ProbeLib] [2025-02-05 09:54:26.940349Z] {jlink_usb_000260111492} DAP write error: DebugPort, register 2 = 0x00000000, err: Unknown Error in J-Link DLL (error code =-1) [2025-02-05T09:54:26.940Z] [40364] DEBUG - [ProbeLib] [2025-02-05 09:54:26.940391Z] {jlink_usb_000260111492} Aborting debug operation, writing 0x1FF to ABORT register [2025-02-05T09:54:26.941Z] [40364] TRACE - [ProbeLib] [2025-02-05 09:54:26.941111Z] {jlink_usb_000260111492} <- write_dp_unchecked [2025-02-05T09:54:26.941Z] [40364] INFO - [ProbeLib] [2025-02-05 09:54:26.941134Z] {jlink_usb_000260111492} <- Powering up sys and debug region
VScode programming
PS C:\Users\xxx\Documents\PartageVM\PJ-Thintrack\thintrackBLE\thintrackble> nrfjprog --program 'c:\Users\PascalDelrot\Documents\PartageVM\PJ-Thintrack\thintrackBLE\thintrackble\build_thintrack\zephyr\zephyr.hex' --chiperase --verify -f NRF52 --snr 260111492 --log [error] [ Client] - Encountered error -102: Command read_device_info executed for 156 milliseconds with result -102 [error] [ Worker] - An unknown error. [error] [ Client] - Encountered error -102: Command read_memory_descriptors executed for 46 milliseconds with result -102 Failed to read device memories. [error] [ Worker] - An unknown error. ERROR: JLinkARM DLL reported an error. Try again. If error condition ERROR: persists, run the same command again with argument --log, contact Nordic ERROR: Semiconductor and provide the generated log.log file to them. PS C:\Users\xxx\Documents\PartageVM\PJ-Thintrack\thintrackBLE\thintrackble>
log.log : the first error is
[2025-Feb-05 12:08:56] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - Select AP 255, DP Bank 0, AP Bank 255 [2025-Feb-05 12:08:56] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x02, 0x00000000) [2025-Feb-05 12:08:56] [trace] [ JLink] - - 1.034ms returns -1