App provisioning data

I want to create a partition in flash to store provisioning data for my application (default configuration, device configuration) so that it can be easily modified without needing to distribute multiple firmware images (for example, for OEM customers). So it seems to be quite similar to the fast pair provision data in requirements, which has its own flash partition defined in pm_static.yml.

I was looking at how fast pair provision hex generation works, and fast_pair_hex.cmake is included directly from nrf/sysbuild/CMakeLists.txt. This uses the expression $<TARGET_PROPERTY:partition_manager,PM_BT_FAST_PAIR_ADDRESS> to obtain the partition address. The partition_manager target is a sysbuild target and is not available when my app's CMake script runs. So how should my application obtain the partition address without needing to modify the SDK to include my custom hex cmake script? Can I somehow include my cmake script in the sysbuild cmake execution?
