DFU cycle testing

Hi ! 

I have 5 different bootloaders for 5 pieces of hardware that I would like to cycle test OTA DFU with BLE. 
I have some questions

  • Why does nrfutil dfu ble require a COM port? the DFU IOS app does not, seems strange, and also fails because I don't have a COM port connected. 
  • What's the shortest path to script a BLE DFU from either
    • Mac M2
    • RPI 5
    • Windows 10 machine

The COM port thing is holding me up in mac/windows. 
The RPI5 lack of modern python support + non x86_64 is making this seemingly simple task in to a can of worms  

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  • As was I Abhijith! 

    I am wondering how to use a built in BLE interface that I cannot see enumerated as a COM port. 
    Is there a driver I need to install? 

    You're using windows and it is on COM3, I don't see any BLE adapters as a COM port in windows, or a /dev/tty on mac or RPI linux. 

  • So I took my pca10056 dev kit and flashed connectivity firmware on there. 
    Then I got the dreaded No ping response after opening COM port. 
    usbmodemFE813A68F73E1 is the native USB port of the pca10056. 

    % nrfutil dfu ble -pkg V28.zip -ic NRF52 -p /dev/tty.usbmodemFE813A68F73E1  -n "devicename" -f    

    Flashing connectivity firmware...

    2025-02-10 07:48:42,602 No trigger interface found for device with serial number: FE813A68F73E, Product ID: 0x521B and Vendor ID: 0x1915

    Traceback (most recent call last):

      File "nordicsemi/__main__.py", line 1555, in <module>

      File "click/core.py", line 1137, in __call__

      File "click/core.py", line 1062, in main

      File "click/core.py", line 1668, in invoke

      File "click/core.py", line 1668, in invoke

      File "click/core.py", line 1404, in invoke

      File "click/core.py", line 763, in invoke

      File "nordicsemi/__main__.py", line 1200, in ble

      File "nordicsemi/dfu/dfu.py", line 119, in dfu_send_images

      File "nordicsemi/dfu/dfu.py", line 88, in _dfu_send_image

      File "nordicsemi/dfu/dfu_transport_serial.py", line 214, in open

    pc_ble_driver_py.exceptions.NordicSemiException: No ping response after opening COM port

    [14696] Failed to execute script '__main__' due to unhandled exception!
