DFU cycle testing

Hi ! 

I have 5 different bootloaders for 5 pieces of hardware that I would like to cycle test OTA DFU with BLE. 
I have some questions

  • Why does nrfutil dfu ble require a COM port? the DFU IOS app does not, seems strange, and also fails because I don't have a COM port connected. 
  • What's the shortest path to script a BLE DFU from either
    • Mac M2
    • RPI 5
    • Windows 10 machine

The COM port thing is holding me up in mac/windows. 
The RPI5 lack of modern python support + non x86_64 is making this seemingly simple task in to a can of worms  

  • Hello,

    Please note that the link you are referring to is based on an old version of the nRF Util tool (< v7.0.0), which is no longer compatible with newer versions. What version of nRF Util are you working with? (I should have asked this before.) I am using version 7.12.0, and the documentation I referenced also applies to newer versions.

    When you check the dfu ble command, you will see that it requires a second nRF device connected to the PC, which acts as the BLE adapter.

    Kind Regards,


  • I did figure out I need to use an nrf52 dongle. I'm on a pca10056 with connectivity firmware, plugged into the nrf USB port. Looks like we're running the same version.

    mike@slavebox armgcc % nrfutil --version

    nrfutil 7.12.0 (39003c9 2024-06-10)

    commit-hash: 39003c9d0e5d946af0f417cfadf4ac55a6d03c19

    commit-date: 2024-06-10

    host: aarch64-apple-darwin

    build-timestamp: 2024-06-10T15:50:53.137997000Z

    classification: nrf-external

  • I did figure out I need to use an nrf52 dongle. I'm on a pca10056 with connectivity firmware, plugged into the nrf USB port. Looks like we're running the same version.

    mike@slavebox armgcc % nrfutil --version

    nrfutil 7.12.0 (39003c9 2024-06-10)

    commit-hash: 39003c9d0e5d946af0f417cfadf4ac55a6d03c19

    commit-date: 2024-06-10

    host: aarch64-apple-darwin

    build-timestamp: 2024-06-10T15:50:53.137997000Z

    classification: nrf-external
