DFU cycle testing

Hi ! 

I have 5 different bootloaders for 5 pieces of hardware that I would like to cycle test OTA DFU with BLE. 
I have some questions

  • Why does nrfutil dfu ble require a COM port? the DFU IOS app does not, seems strange, and also fails because I don't have a COM port connected. 
  • What's the shortest path to script a BLE DFU from either
    • Mac M2
    • RPI 5
    • Windows 10 machine

The COM port thing is holding me up in mac/windows. 
The RPI5 lack of modern python support + non x86_64 is making this seemingly simple task in to a can of worms  

  • Hello,

    Could you clarify how the devices are connected? Specifically, which device is connected to your PC, and which one is the DFU target? 

    I also recommend sharing the complete log to get a better understanding of the issue. Additionally, please provide details on the command you are executing and the response from the logs.

    Furthermore, please check how the nRF device is detected on your PC. I am using Windows, and when I check my Device Manager, it appears as shown below:

    Please share this details as well.

    Kind Regards,


  • The trick to getting it to work on my mac was to drop the "-f" from the command. 
    Also, I had to use the lower number enumerated com port. Which is backwards from what I saw in windows. 

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