Wifi RF testing control - nRF7001


I'm preparing the certification RF testing software on our product 4MOD9192 using nRF7001 for wifi function.

During the certification test process, we need to set these following configurations on our device:

1>>Set Channel: 1/2/6/7/11/13

2>>Set wifi mode: b/g/n

3>>Set data rate:

4>>Set band width: 20MHz or 40MHz

5>>Set RF power

6>>Set carrier signal wave

7>>Set Data Transmission (Tx) or Reception (Rx) – modulated signal test

So far, based on my research through Nordic web site, I'm using wifi_radio_test commands to control the nRF7001 to achieve these different functions mentionned above

However, for I m still not clear for some points, please help to confirm if the commands in below I used are correct or not; and please see my questions in red color in below : 

1>>Set Channel: 1/2/6/7/11/13

wifi_radio_test init (value in channel number)


2>>Set wifi mode: b/g/n

(I dont find a simple command to set wifi mode, based on sample code on web, the combination commands are used to set different wifi mode, but I dont know why doing so, especially for the pkt len and pkt gap commands, could you please explain?)

Set b mode:

wifi_radio_test tx_pkt_tput_mode 0

wifi_radio_test tx_pkt_preamble 1

wifi_radio_test tx_pkt_rate 1  (This sets 1 Mbps rate, you can adjust as needed)

wifi_radio_test tx_pkt_len 1024

wifi_radio_test tx_pkt_gap 8600

wifi_radio_test tx_pkt_num 10000


Set g mode:

wifi_radio_test tx_pkt_tput_mode 0

wifi_radio_test tx_pkt_rate 54  (This sets 54 Mbps rate, you can adjust as needed)

wifi_radio_test tx_pkt_len 4000

wifi_radio_test tx_pkt_gap 4200

wifi_radio_test tx_pkt_num 10000


Set n mode:

wifi_radio_test tx_pkt_tput_mode 1

wifi_radio_test tx_pkt_mcs 0

wifi_radio_test tx_pkt_len 4000

wifi_radio_test tx_pkt_gap 1000

wifi_radio_test tx_pkt_num 10000


3>>Set data rate:

wifi_radio_test tx_pkt_rate (value:1, 2, 5.5, 11, 6, 9, 12, 18, 24, 36, 48, 54)


4>>Set band width: 20MHz or 40MHz

(I dont find any command to set this feature, does nRF7001 support 40MHz bandwidth ?)


5>>Set RF power

wifi_radio_test tx_power (value in dBm: 0 - 24)


6>>Set carrier signal wave

wifi_radio_test tx_tone (value:1 ON, 0 OFF)


7>>Set Data Transmission (Tx) or Reception (Rx) – modulated signal test


wifi_radio_test tx (vaue: 1 enable, 0 disable)


wifi_radio_test rx (vaue: 1 enable, 0 disable)


thanks in advance

best regards

