Beware that this post is related to an SDK in maintenance mode
More Info: Consider nRF Connect SDK for new designs

startup_config.h does not exist in nrf5 SDK

startup_config.h is included in the file 'arm_startup_nrf51.s' but it does not exist in the nrf5 SDK. Where is it located?
I note there is a comment about the  nrf5 SDK being in maintenance mode. But the new 'SDK' involves a commercial RTOS and would be very difficult to port between different platforms. For those developing very low requirement BLE solutions an RTOS is overkill. Also, a BLE application using just SoftDevice uses very basic GATT and GAP operations that exist on all BLE platforms, making code ports between platforms a lot simpler. This is advantageous when you need to support multiple platforms.
  • Hello,

    I believe this depends on what IDE you are using, but as you probably already found out, the arm_startup_nrf51.s file is generated in your build folder. It comes from the device information, installed by the IDE.

    Best regards,


  • The arm_startup_nrf51.s is not in the build folder but comes with the SDK. It is located in the components\toolchain\arm\ directory. But I cannot find the startup_config.h anywhere.

  • Oh, sorry. I misread your original question. 

    I don't think this file exists, actually. It is only included if __STARTUP_CONFIG is defined, and I believe it isn't. At least I couldn't find any references to it in the entire SDK, other than in these arm_startup_nrf51.s files (that are also present in the RTE folder, after you build.

    May I ask why you need it? Do you get some message saying this is missing? Where does that message come from?

    Best regards,


  • I don't know if I need it. But when I generated the new project from scratch, Segger created two startup files in a directory called System. Since the SDK  came with three startup files (one for nrf51, nrf52, and nrf52840 I thought I should use the nrf51 startup instead.

    The ses project for nrf52 contains one directory with three SDK-provided startup files in the modules directory (doesnt exist in the SDK 12.3.0). So I am not sure what I should do. Not use the SDK-provided startup.s file for nrf51 and use the segger generated ones instead?

  • I don't know if I need it. But when I generated the new project from scratch, Segger created two startup files in a directory called System. Since the SDK  came with three startup files (one for nrf51, nrf52, and nrf52840 I thought I should use the nrf51 startup instead.

    The ses project for nrf52 contains one directory with three SDK-provided startup files in the modules directory (doesnt exist in the SDK 12.3.0). So I am not sure what I should do. Not use the SDK-provided startup.s file for nrf51 and use the segger generated ones instead?
